The exclude-result-prefixes attribute in both XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 allows for the exclusion of certain namespace declarations in the output document. The content assistance populates a list of available namespaces that have been defined in the stylseheet and provides them as proposals as shown in Figure 2, “Exclude-result-prefixes Content Assistance ” .
If the attribute has no values defined, then the #all value will be available in the list. If #all is already in the attributes value, then no content assistance will be available.
Content assistance is intelligent enough to know when a namespace prefix is already in the list of excluded namespaces. In this case it will not show the namespace in the proposal list.
Currently the xsl prefix or any prefix that uses the XSL namespace is excluded from the list. This may be changed at a future date. This will depend on user feedback.