Configuring filter pool references
You can share filter pools among many connections through the use of a filter pool reference. A filter pool reference is a mechanism that displays a filter pool from one connection in any other connection, so that when you make a change to the original filter pool, your change is reflected your filter pool reference.
you create a filter pool reference, ensure that you have already completed
the following (see related tasks for more information):
- You have defined more than one connection to the same server
- You have defined more than one filter pool
- You have enabled Show Filter Pools from the Remote Systems view toolbar
To use filter pools references:
- In the Remote Systems view, expand the connection where you want to display a filter pool that exists in another connection.
- Right-click on a file subsystem and select New > Filter Pool Reference > your profile > name of pool.
- Look under that subsystem again and you will see the filter pool reference.
To delete a filter pool reference, right-click it and select Remove
reference. You can also move your filter pools up and down with the
right-click menu.