Remote System Explorer Profiles

All Remote System Explorer resources such as connections, filters, and filter pools are owned by a profile. Profiles help you manage these resources when you have a lot of connections. The Remote System Explorer creates two profiles when starting up for the first time: a private profile, usually named after the host name of the machine that creates the workspace, and a profile called Team. The intent is to be able to share the Team profile in the future with other members of your team. You can also create your own profiles.

Note: due to an internal restriction a profile name cannot contain three consecutive underscore characters at this time.

Profiles contain:

Profiles can be active or inactive. The Remote System Explorer displays all connections from all active profiles and, within a connection, allows filter pools to be referenced from any active profile. Further, the user actions and compile commands shown in the right-click menu for a remote resource are from all active profiles.

Your private profile cannot be deleted or made inactive.

You can use the Team view to control which profiles display in your workspace by making the profiles active.