Type Widget
RWT Scripting analog to org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget. All widgets given by rap.getObject are instances of this type, even if their specific subtype is not documented.
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
Instance of $ wrapping the widgets HTML element.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Returns the application defined property of the receiver
with the specified name, or null if it has not been set.
setData(property, value)
Sets the application defined property of the receiver
with the specified name to the given value.
Field Detail
Instance of $ wrapping the widgets HTML element.
Method Detail
Returns the application defined property of the receiver
with the specified name, or null if it has not been set.
The java widget properties can be accessed if the property name was registered with WidgetUtil.registerDataKeys.
- Parameters:
- {string} property
- the name of the property
- Returns:
- {*} the value
- See:
- Widget#setData
setData(property, value)
Sets the application defined property of the receiver
with the specified name to the given value.
The java widget is not affected by this method, but can itself set this object's properties if the name was registered with WidgetUtil.registerDataKeys.
- Parameters:
- {string} property
- the name of the property
- {*} value
- the new value for the property
- See:
- Widget#getData