Class ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput

All Implemented Interfaces:
ICompareContainer, IContentChangeListener, IPropertyChangeNotifier, IAdaptable, IRunnableContext, IRunnableWithProgress, IEditorInput

public class ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput extends PageCompareEditorInput
Displays a synchronize participant page combined with the compare/merge infrastructure. This only works if the synchronize page viewer provides selections that are of the following types: ITypedElement and ICompareInput or if the participant is a ModelSynchronizeParticipant.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput

      public ParticipantPageCompareEditorInput(CompareConfiguration configuration, ISynchronizePageConfiguration pageConfiguration, ISynchronizeParticipant participant)
      Creates a part for the provided participant. The page configuration is used when creating the participant page and the resulting compare/merge panes will be configured with the provided compare configuration.

      For example, clients can decide if the user can edit the compare panes by calling CompareConfiguration.setLeftEditable(boolean) or CompareConfiguration.setRightEditable(boolean).

      configuration - the compare configuration that will be used to create the compare panes
      pageConfiguration - the configuration that will be provided to the participant prior to creating the page
      participant - the participant whose page will be displayed in this part
  • Method Details

    • prepareInput

      protected Object prepareInput(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Runs the compare operation and returns the compare result. If null is returned no differences were found and no compare editor needs to be opened. Progress should be reported to the given progress monitor. A request to cancel the operation should be honored and acknowledged by throwing InterruptedException.

      Note: this method is typically called in a modal context thread which doesn't have a Display assigned. Implementors of this method shouldn't therefore allocated any SWT resources in this method.

      Specified by:
      prepareInput in class CompareEditorInput
      monitor - the progress monitor to use to display progress and receive requests for cancellation
      the result of the compare operation, or null if there are no differences
      InvocationTargetException - if the prepareInput method must propagate a checked exception, it should wrap it inside an InvocationTargetException; runtime exceptions are automatically wrapped in an InvocationTargetException by the calling context
      InterruptedException - if the operation detects a request to cancel, using IProgressMonitor.isCanceled(), it should exit by throwing InterruptedException
    • getTitleImage

      public Image getTitleImage()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Returns the title image which will be used in the compare editor's title bar. Returns the title image which will be used when presenting the compare result. This implementation returns a generic compare icon. Subclasses can override.
      getTitleImage in class CompareEditorInput
      the title image, or null if none
    • handleDispose

      protected void handleDispose()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Callback that occurs when the UI associated with this compare editor input is disposed. This method will only be invoked if the UI has been created (i.e. after the call to CompareEditorInput.createContents(Composite). Subclasses can extend this method but ensure that the overridden method is invoked.
      handleDispose in class PageCompareEditorInput
    • createPage

      protected IPage createPage(CompareViewerPane parent, IToolBarManager toolBarManager)
      Description copied from class: PageCompareEditorInput
      Create the page for this part and return the top level control for the page.
      Specified by:
      createPage in class PageCompareEditorInput
      parent - the parent composite
      toolBarManager - the toolbar manager for the page
      the top-level control for the page
    • getSelectionProvider

      protected ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
      Description copied from class: PageCompareEditorInput
      Return the selection provider for the page. This method is called after the page is created in order to register a selection listener on the page.
      Specified by:
      getSelectionProvider in class PageCompareEditorInput
      the selection provider for the page
    • asCompareInput

      protected ICompareInput asCompareInput(ISelection selection)
      Description copied from class: PageCompareEditorInput
      Return a compare input that represents the selection. This input is used to feed the structure and content viewers. By default, a compare input is returned if the selection is of size 1 and the selected element implements ICompareInput. Subclasses may override.
      asCompareInput in class PageCompareEditorInput
      selection - the selection
      a compare input representing the selection
    • prepareInput

      protected void prepareInput(ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException
      Description copied from class: PageCompareEditorInput
      Prepare the compare input for display in a content viewer. This method is called from PageCompareEditorInput.prepareCompareInput(ICompareInput) and may be called from a non-UI thread. This method should not be called by others.
      Specified by:
      prepareInput in class PageCompareEditorInput
      input - the input
      configuration - the compare configuration
      monitor - a progress monitor
      InvocationTargetException - if an error occurs
    • isSaveNeeded

      public boolean isSaveNeeded()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Returns true if there are unsaved changes in either left or right side. The value returned is the value of the DIRTY_STATE property of this input object. Returns true if left or right side has unsaved changes Subclasses don't have to override if the functionality provided by setDirty is sufficient.
      isSaveNeeded in class CompareEditorInput
      true if there are changes that need to be saved
    • saveChanges

      public void saveChanges(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Saves any unsaved changes. Subclasses must override to save any changes. This implementation tries to flush changes in all viewers by calling on them.
      saveChanges in class CompareEditorInput
      monitor - an IProgressMonitor that the implementation of save may use to show progress
      CoreException - If save fails.
    • contentChanged

      public void contentChanged(IContentChangeNotifier source)
      Description copied from interface: IContentChangeListener
      Called whenever the content of the given source has changed.
      Specified by:
      contentChanged in interface IContentChangeListener
      contentChanged in class PageCompareEditorInput
      source - the source whose contents has changed
    • getPageConfiguration

      public ISynchronizePageConfiguration getPageConfiguration()
      Return the synchronize page configuration for this part
      Returns the pageConfiguration.
    • getParticipant

      public ISynchronizeParticipant getParticipant()
      Return the Synchronize participant for this part
      Returns the participant.
    • createContents

      public Control createContents(Composite parent)
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Creates the SWT controls that are used to display the result of the compare operation. Creates the SWT Controls and sets up the wiring between the individual panes. This implementation creates all four panes but makes only the necessary ones visible. Finally it feeds the compare result into the top left structure viewer and the content viewer.

      Subclasses may override if they need to change the layout or wiring between panes.

      createContents in class CompareEditorInput
      parent - the parent control under which the control must be created
      the SWT control hierarchy for the compare editor
    • isOfferToRememberParticipant

      protected boolean isOfferToRememberParticipant()
      Return whether the ability to remember the participant in the synchronize view should be presented to the user. By default, true is returned. Subclasses may override.
      whether the ability to remember the participant in the synchronize view should be presented to the user
    • okPressed

      public boolean okPressed()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      The OK button was pressed in a dialog. If one or both of the sides of the input is editable then any changes will be saved. If the input is for edition selection (see CompareEditorInput.isEditionSelectionDialog()), it is up to subclasses to override this method in order to perform the appropriate operation on the selected edition.
      okPressed in class CompareEditorInput
      whether the dialog should be closed or not.
    • cancelPressed

      public void cancelPressed()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      The CANCEL button was pressed in a dialog. By default, nothing is done. Subclasses may override.
      cancelPressed in class CompareEditorInput
    • getOKButtonLabel

      public String getOKButtonLabel()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Returns the label to be used for the OK button when this input is displayed in a dialog. By default, different labels are used depending on whether the input is editable or is for edition selection (see CompareEditorInput.isEditionSelectionDialog().
      getOKButtonLabel in class CompareEditorInput
      the label to be used for the OK button when this input is displayed in a dialog
    • getCancelButtonLabel

      public String getCancelButtonLabel()
      Description copied from class: CompareEditorInput
      Returns the label used for the CANCEL button when this input is shown in a compare dialog using CompareUI.openCompareDialog(CompareEditorInput).
      getCancelButtonLabel in class CompareEditorInput
      the label used for the CANCEL button