Interface IPropertyTester

All Known Implementing Classes:
OpenPerspectivePropertyTester, PartTaggedAsEditorPropertyTester, PropertyTester

public interface IPropertyTester
A property tester can be used to add additional properties to test to an existing type.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. Clients should subclass type PropertyTester.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    handles(String namespace, String property)
    Returns whether the property tester can handle the given property or not.
    Loads the implementation class for this property tester and returns an instance of this class.
    Returns true if the implementation class of this property tester can be loaded.
    Returns whether the implementation class for this property tester is loaded or not.
    test(Object receiver, String property, Object[] args, Object expectedValue)
    Executes the property test determined by the parameter property.
  • Method Details

    • handles

      boolean handles(String namespace, String property)
      Returns whether the property tester can handle the given property or not.
      namespace - the name space to be considered
      property - the property to test
      true if the tester provides an implementation for the given property; otherwise false is returned
    • isInstantiated

      boolean isInstantiated()
      Returns whether the implementation class for this property tester is loaded or not.
      trueif the implementation class is loaded; false otherwise
    • isDeclaringPluginActive

      boolean isDeclaringPluginActive()
      Returns true if the implementation class of this property tester can be loaded. This is the case if the plug-in providing the implementation class is active. Returns false otherwise.
      whether the implementation class can be loaded or not
    • instantiate

      IPropertyTester instantiate() throws CoreException
      Loads the implementation class for this property tester and returns an instance of this class.
      an instance of the implementation class for this property tester
      CoreException - if the implementation class cannot be loaded
    • test

      boolean test(Object receiver, String property, Object[] args, Object expectedValue)
      Executes the property test determined by the parameter property.
      receiver - the receiver of the property test
      property - the property to test
      args - additional arguments to evaluate the property. If no arguments are specified in the test expression an array of length 0 is passed
      expectedValue - the expected value of the property. The value is either of type java.lang.String or a boxed base type. If no value was specified in the test expressions then null is passed
      returns true if the property is equal to the expected value; otherwise false is returned