Pivot Standalone Application

Pivot Standalone Application

The functionality of Eclipse OCL is primarily available via the Eclipse IDE where functionality such as editors are readily supported.

The underlying functionality is available to programmers who may use the API from IDE or standalone applications.

Additionally the execution and validation sub-tools are useable via the standalone application described in this section.

While the standalone application can be used as an interactive command line facility, the intended usage is to support automated usage from scripts or tools. Interactive users will generally find the IDE more apprpriate.

Installation and Invocation

After following the usual procedure for installing Eclipse OCL Installation, the plugins folder of your installation folder contains all the required JAR files so that you may use a verbose invocation such as:

"E:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13\bin"\java.exe -classpath "
org.eclipse.ocl.examples.standalone.StandaloneApplication help

where %E% is the path to the Eclipse plugins folder such as E:\Tools\Eclipse\4.20\plugins.

Typing the path and version-corrected text above is pretty painfu,l so you may prefer to use the wildard capabilities introduced with Java 6.

"E:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13\bin"\java.exe
-classpath "E:\Tools\Eclipse\4.20\plugins\*"
org.eclipse.ocl.examples.standalone.StandaloneApplication help

The java preamble, as in the help examples above, is shown as ocl for further examples in this section.

Help command

The help command shown in the examples above prints out the syntax and some description for the available commands.

ocl help

Execute command

The execute command supports execution of one or more OCL queries reporting parsed queries and/or results in textual or XML form.

A default execution such as

ocl execute -query "2+3"

just returns a textual serialization of the result to the console.


This may be redirected to a file by the -output option, or formatted more deterministically as text or XML by the -exporter option and filtered by the -hide options. A context (self) may be specified for the evaluation by the -self option.

NB. The execute command has not been optimized to support performance testing. Consequently any attempts to instrument it will find that the measured time is dominated by JVM warm up time, classpath analysis and OCL environment initialization. The JVM costs can be reduced by specifying multiple queries per execute. The classpath costs can be reduced by pruning all unnecessary JARs from the classpath and avoiding all usage of files.

-query ocl-query

The required and optionally repeatable -query token specifies one or more OCL queries to be evaluated.

-self self-uri

The optional -self token specifies a model element to be used as the context for the OCL queries. The model element may be identified using a fragment URI with an absolute, relative or Eclipse platform resource.

-self E:\Development\Chital\Workspace\MyProject\MyFile.ecore#//MyClass
-self ../git/mymodels/standalone/MyFile.ecore#//MyClass
-self platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore#//Boolean
-self platform:/resource/myproject/Pivot.oclas#/0/pivot/Class

If -self is omitted, self evaluates to null.

-output file-name

The optional -output token redirects the command output to the specified file name. If omitted the output is directed to the console.

-exporter none|text|model

The optional -exporter token specifies whether there should be no, or textual or XML output. The textual output is suitable for simple values, but can be confusing for complex output such as collections of maps. The XML model output is appropriate for a precise intelligible but verbose output; it is an extension of the Pivot OCL Abstract Syntax comprising a literal expression that evaluates to the result value. An additional ElementLiteralExp with a referredElement property supports the representation of a value such as self. The verbosity of the output can be tamed by the -hide tokens.

The text output typically echoes the query and shows the result.

Query : 2+3
Result: 5

The Result: is replaced by an Error: if parsing or execution fails.

If -hideQuery is specified, the Result: is also hidden.

The XML model output typically echoes the query and shows the result in both textual and XML forms.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE queries:QueryModel [
<!ENTITY _0 "http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/2015/Library.oclas">
<queries:QueryModel xmi:version="2.0"
  <results query="2+3" result="5">
    <expression type="pivot:PrimitiveType &_0;#tYtCd">
      <ownedBody xsi:type="pivot:OperationCallExp" name="+"
       type="pivot:PrimitiveType &_0;#tYtCd" referredOperation="&_0;#iA+ir">
        <ownedSource xsi:type="pivot:IntegerLiteralExp"
         type="pivot:PrimitiveType &_0;#tYtCd" integerSymbol="2"/>
        <ownedArguments xsi:type="pivot:IntegerLiteralExp"
         type="pivot:PrimitiveType &_0;#tYtCd" integerSymbol="3"/>
      <ownedContext xsi:type="pivot:ParameterVariable" name="self"
       type="pivot:VoidType &_0;#7u3MH"/>
    <value xsi:type="pivot:IntegerLiteralExp" integerSymbol="5"/>

Additional value/errors explain parsing or execution failures.


The -hideASQuery token suppresses all results/expression elements from the XML output.


The -hideASResult token suppresses all results/value elements from the XML output.


The -hideASTypes token suppresses all type elements from the XML output, which may give an over 50% saving in file size.


The -hideQuery token suppresses all results/query attributes from the XML output, or the Query line and Result: prefix from the textual output.


The -hideResult token suppresses all results/result elements from the XML output.

If both -hideASResult and -hideResult are specified, the evaluation is suppressed so the results indicate just the success or failure of query parsing.

Validate command

The validate command supports validation of a model using OCL constraints defined in one or more OCL files.

A minimal command requires a model to validate and some constraints to apply.

ocl validate -model Model.ecore -rules Rules.ocl

The validation results are sent to the console but may be redirected by the -output token using a raw text, HTML or XML formatting according to the -exporter selection.

-model file-name

The required -model token specifies the file name in which the model to be validate is stored.

-rules file-name

The required -rules token specifies one or more OCL documents that define constraints to be validated. A text file enumerating many OCL document files may also be specified.

-output file-name

The optional -output token redirects the command output to the specified file name. If omitted the output is directed to the console.

-exporter html|model|text

The optional -exporter token specifies whether there should be textual or HTML or XML output. The textual output is used as the default.

-using all|java|ocl|uml

A sub-selection of the validation may be specified by choosing just one or more of the embedded Java, OCL or UML constraints.