Uses of Package

Parser for HPROF dumps, just a parser extension, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Generator of HPROF dumps from other running processes on the system, just a acquire dumps extension, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Create IBM dumps - this is an internal package not intended as an Application Programming Interface (API) except as an extension.
These are general queries.
These are queries for Collection classes.
These are queries for whole components (class loaders and packages).
These are queries for debugging Eclipse based applications.
These are queries for examining objects subject to finalization.
These are queries for examining OSGi bundles.
These are queries for Threads.
Collects arguments for queries.
These are queries for dominator tree and paths to/from garbage collection roots.
Links class names to the class source in an Eclipse IDE, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Package for examining and controlling results of running queries.
Annotations for Queries.
Package of interfaces for examining annotations of queries and arguments.
Package for getting a list of queries and examining their capabilities and setting them up.
Internal classes for controlling building of reports from XML report definitions (not API).
Acquire heap dumps from other running processes - user interface (not API).
Supplementary actions to open a snapshot, copy to clipboard, open icon assist and so on - user interface (not API).