Package org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations

package org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations
Annotations for Queries. Queries can be annotated with extra information giving the command name, tagging fields as arguments to be filled in, adding help text and menu position. As well as inline annotations, translatable text for the annotation can be placed into an directory for ease of translation.
  • Class
    Annotates a member variable to be an query argument.
    Optional advice for the query argument that is needed if the declaring type does not give enough evidence how to convert or validate this argument.
    Annotates the category to which the query belongs.
    (Optionally) annotates the command name of the query.
    Annotates a help message to the argument and/or query.
    Annotates a help URL path into the Eclipse help system.
    Annotates the icon of the query.
    Annotates a query which has multiple menu items for a single query class.
    Annotates a Menu item for a particular sub-query.
    Annotates the name of the query as displayed in the query menu or query browser.
    Annotates a custom usage message.