Project Properties page – JPA

Use the JPA options on the Properties page to select the database connection to use with the project.


Connection must be active to get data source specific help and validation.

This table lists the properties available in the JPA options preferences page.

Property Description


Select the vendor-specific platform.

JPA Implementation


Select User Library to select from the available user-defined or downloaded libraries.

If you select Disable, you must manually include the JPA implementation library on the project classpath.


Select a specific JPA library configuration.

Click Manage libraries to create or update a user library.

Click Download libraries to download a specific library configuration.

Include libraries with this application

Specify if the selected libraries are included when deploying the application.


The database connection used to map the persistent entities.

  • To create a new connection, click Add Connections.

  • To reconnect to an existing connection, click Reconnect.

Override default catalog from connection

Select a catalog other than the default one derived from the connection information. Use this option if the default catalog is incorrect or cannot be used.

Override default schema from connection

Select a schema other than the default one derived from the connection information. Use this option if the default schema is incorrect or cannot be used. For example, use this option when the deployment login differs from the design-time login.

Persistent Class Management

Specify if Dali will discover annotated classes automatically, or if the annotated classes must be listed in the persistence.xml file.

Note: To insure application portability, you should explicitly list the managed persistence classes that are included in the persistence unit.

Canonical Metamodel

Select the location of the metamodel source.

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