Class CompletionProposalCollector


public class CompletionProposalCollector extends CompletionRequestor
Java UI implementation of CompletionRequestor. Produces IJavaCompletionProposals from the proposal descriptors received via the CompletionRequestor interface.

The lifecycle of a CompletionProposalCollector instance is very simple:

 ICompilationUnit unit= ...
 int offset= ...

 CompletionProposalCollector collector= new CompletionProposalCollector(unit);
 unit.codeComplete(offset, collector);
 IJavaCompletionProposal[] proposals= collector.getJavaCompletionProposals();
 String errorMessage= collector.getErrorMessage();

 // display / process proposals

Note that after a code completion operation, the collector will store any received proposals, which may require a considerable amount of memory, so the collector should not be kept as a reference after a completion operation.

Clients may instantiate or subclass.

  • Field Details


      protected static final char[] METHOD_TRIGGERS
      Triggers for method proposals without parameters. Do not modify.

      protected static final char[] METHOD_WITH_ARGUMENTS_TRIGGERS
      Triggers for method proposals. Do not modify.

      protected static final char[] TYPE_TRIGGERS
      Triggers for types. Do not modify.

      protected static final char[] VAR_TRIGGER
      Triggers for variables. Do not modify.
  • Constructor Details

    • CompletionProposalCollector

      public CompletionProposalCollector(ICompilationUnit cu)
      Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals. If the passed ICompilationUnit is not contained in an IJavaProject, no javadoc will be available as additional info on the created proposals.
      cu - the compilation unit that the result collector will operate on
    • CompletionProposalCollector

      public CompletionProposalCollector(IJavaProject project)
      Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals. Note that proposals for anonymous types and method declarations are not created when using this constructor, as those need to know the compilation unit that they are created on. Use CompletionProposalCollector(ICompilationUnit) instead to get all proposals.

      If the passed Java project is null, no javadoc will be available as additional info on the created (e.g. method and type) proposals.

      project - the project that the result collector will operate on, or null
    • CompletionProposalCollector

      public CompletionProposalCollector(ICompilationUnit cu, boolean ignoreAll)
      Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals. If the passed ICompilationUnit is not contained in an IJavaProject, no javadoc will be available as additional info on the created proposals.
      cu - the compilation unit that the result collector will operate on
      ignoreAll - true to ignore all kinds of completion proposals
  • Method Details

    • isTestCodeExcluded

      public boolean isTestCodeExcluded()
      Description copied from class: CompletionRequestor
      If this returns true, exclude test sources and dependencies.
      isTestCodeExcluded in class CompletionRequestor
      true if this requestor does not want to get any completions from test code.
      See Also:
    • setIgnored

      public void setIgnored(int completionProposalKind, boolean ignore)
      Description copied from class: CompletionRequestor
      Sets whether the given kind of completion proposal is ignored.
      setIgnored in class CompletionRequestor
      completionProposalKind - one of the kind constants declared on CompletionProposal
      ignore - true if the given kind of completion proposal is ignored by this requestor, and false if it is of interest
      See Also:
    • setInvocationContext

      public void setInvocationContext(JavaContentAssistInvocationContext context)
      Sets the invocation context.

      Subclasses may extend.

      context - the invocation context
      See Also:
    • getInvocationContext

      protected final JavaContentAssistInvocationContext getInvocationContext()
      Returns the invocation context. If none has been set via setInvocationContext(JavaContentAssistInvocationContext), a new one is created.
      invocationContext the invocation context
    • accept

      public void accept(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Proposes a completion. Has no effect if the kind of proposal is being ignored by this requestor. Callers should consider checking CompletionRequestor.isIgnored(int) before avoid creating proposal objects that would only be ignored.

      Similarly, implementers should check isIgnored(proposal.getKind()) and ignore proposals that have been declared as uninteresting. The proposal object passed is only valid for the duration of completion operation.

      Subclasses may replace, but usually should not need to. Consider replacing createJavaCompletionProposal instead.

      Specified by:
      accept in class CompletionRequestor
      proposal - the completion proposal
    • acceptContext

      public void acceptContext(CompletionContext context)
      Propose the context in which the completion occurs.

      This method is called one and only one time before any call to CompletionRequestor.accept(CompletionProposal). The default implementation of this method does nothing. Clients may override.

      Subclasses may extend, but usually should not need to.

      acceptContext in class CompletionRequestor
      context - the completion context
      See Also:
    • beginReporting

      public void beginReporting()
      Pro forma notification sent before reporting a batch of completion proposals.

      The default implementation of this method does nothing. Clients may override.

      Subclasses may extend, but must call the super implementation.
      beginReporting in class CompletionRequestor
    • completionFailure

      public void completionFailure(IProblem problem)
      Notification of failure to produce any completions. The problem object explains what prevented completing.

      The default implementation of this method does nothing. Clients may override to receive this kind of notice.

      Subclasses may extend, but must call the super implementation.
      completionFailure in class CompletionRequestor
      problem - the problem object
    • endReporting

      public void endReporting()
      Pro forma notification sent after reporting a batch of completion proposals.

      The default implementation of this method does nothing. Clients may override.

      Subclasses may extend, but must call the super implementation.
      endReporting in class CompletionRequestor
    • getErrorMessage

      public String getErrorMessage()
      Returns an error message about any error that may have occurred during code completion, or the empty string if none.

      Subclasses may replace or extend.

      an error message or the empty string
    • getJavaCompletionProposals

      public final IJavaCompletionProposal[] getJavaCompletionProposals()
      Returns the unsorted list of received proposals.
      the unsorted list of received proposals
    • getKeywordCompletionProposals

      public final IJavaCompletionProposal[] getKeywordCompletionProposals()
      Returns the unsorted list of received keyword proposals.
      the unsorted list of received keyword proposals
    • setReplacementLength

      public final void setReplacementLength(int length)
      If the replacement length is set, it overrides the length returned from the content assist infrastructure. Use this setting if code assist is called with a none empty selection.
      length - the new replacement length, relative to the code assist offset. Must be equal to or greater than zero.
    • computeRelevance

      protected int computeRelevance(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Computes the relevance for a given CompletionProposal.

      Subclasses may replace, but usually should not need to.

      proposal - the proposal to compute the relevance for
      the relevance for proposal
    • createJavaCompletionProposal

      protected IJavaCompletionProposal createJavaCompletionProposal(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Creates a new java completion proposal from a core proposal. This may involve computing the display label and setting up some context.

      This method is called for every proposal that will be displayed to the user, which may be hundreds. Implementations should therefore defer as much work as possible: Labels should be computed lazily to leverage virtual table usage, and any information only needed when applying a proposal should not be computed yet.

      Implementations may return null if a proposal should not be included in the list presented to the user.

      Subclasses may extend or replace this method.

      proposal - the core completion proposal to create a UI proposal for
      the created java completion proposal, or null if no proposal should be displayed
    • createMethodContextInformation

      protected final org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContextInformation createMethodContextInformation(CompletionProposal methodProposal)
      Creates the context information for a given method reference proposal. The passed proposal must be of kind CompletionProposal.METHOD_REF.
      methodProposal - the method proposal for which to create context information
      the context information for methodProposal
    • getCompilationUnit

      protected final ICompilationUnit getCompilationUnit()
      Returns the compilation unit that the receiver operates on, or null if the IJavaProject constructor was used to create the receiver.
      the compilation unit that the receiver operates on, or null
    • getContext

      protected final CompletionContext getContext()
      Returns the CompletionContext for this completion operation.
      the CompletionContext for this completion operation
      See Also:
    • getImage

      protected final getImage(org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor descriptor)
      Returns a cached image for the given descriptor.
      descriptor - the image descriptor to get an image for, may be null
      the image corresponding to descriptor
    • getLabelProvider

      protected final CompletionProposalLabelProvider getLabelProvider()
      Returns the proposal label provider used by the receiver.
      the proposal label provider used by the receiver
    • getLength

      protected final int getLength(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Returns the replacement length of a given completion proposal. The replacement length is usually the difference between the return values of proposal.getReplaceEnd and proposal.getReplaceStart, but this behavior may be overridden by calling setReplacementLength(int).
      proposal - the completion proposal to get the replacement length for
      the replacement length for proposal
    • isFiltered

      protected boolean isFiltered(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Returns true if proposal is filtered, e.g. should not be proposed to the user, false if it is valid.

      Subclasses may extends this method. The default implementation filters proposals set to be ignored via setIgnored and types set to be ignored in the preferences.

      proposal - the proposal to filter
      true to filter proposal, false to let it pass
    • isIgnored

      public boolean isIgnored(char[] fullTypeName)
      Description copied from class: CompletionRequestor
      Returns whether the given type proposal is ignored.
      isIgnored in class CompletionRequestor
      fullTypeName - the proposed type name of CompletionProposal
      true if the given type name is ignored by this requestor, and false if it is of interest
    • getDeclaringType

      protected final char[] getDeclaringType(CompletionProposal proposal)
      Returns the type signature of the declaring type of a CompletionProposal, or null for proposals that do not have a declaring type. The return value is not null for proposals of the following kinds:
      • METHOD_REF
      • FIELD_REF
      • PACKAGE_REF (returns the package name, but no type)
      • MODULE_REF (returns the module name, but no type)
      • MODULE_DECLARATION (returns the possible name of the module that is being declared, but no type)
      • TYPE_REF
      proposal - the completion proposal to get the declaring type for
      the type signature of the declaring type, or null if there is none
      See Also: