Class ChangeMethodSignatureArguments


public class ChangeMethodSignatureArguments extends org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringArguments
Change method signature arguments describe the data that a processor provides to its change signature participants

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChangeMethodSignatureArguments

      public ChangeMethodSignatureArguments(String newName, String newReturnType, int newVisibility, ChangeMethodSignatureArguments.Parameter[] newParameters, ChangeMethodSignatureArguments.ThrownException[] thrownExceptions, boolean keepOriginal)
      Creates new change method signature arguments.
      newName - the new name of the element to be changed
      newReturnType - the new method return type in signature notation (see Signature).
      newVisibility - the new visibility; one of Flags.AccPublic, Flags.AccProtected, Flags.AccPrivate or 0 for the default visibility.
      newParameters - the new parameters of this method
      thrownExceptions - the new exceptions thrown by this method
      keepOriginal - true if the original method is kept as a delegate to the new one, false otherwise
  • Method Details

    • getNewName

      public String getNewName()
      Returns the new method name. If the name has not been changed by the refactoring, the original parameter name is returned.
      the method name
    • getNewReturnType

      public String getNewReturnType()
      Returns the type signature of the new return type of this method. For constructors, this returns the signature for void. If the return type has not been changed by the refactoring, the original return type signature is returned.
      the new return type
    • getNewVisibility

      public int getNewVisibility()
      Returns the new visibility of this method. The visibility is one of Flags.AccPublic, Flags.AccProtected, Flags.AccPrivate or 0 for the default visibility. If the visibility has not been changed by the refactoring, the original visibility is returned.
      the visibility of the method
    • getNewParameters

      public ChangeMethodSignatureArguments.Parameter[] getNewParameters()
      Returns the new parameters of this method.
      the new parameters of this method
    • getThrownExceptions

      public ChangeMethodSignatureArguments.ThrownException[] getThrownExceptions()
      Returns the new thrown exceptions of this method.
      new thrown exceptions of this method
    • getKeepOriginal

      public boolean getKeepOriginal()
      Returns whether the original method is kept as a delegate to the new one.
      returns true if the original method is kept false otherwise
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringArguments