Class JavaRefactoringDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChangeMethodSignatureDescriptor, ConvertAnonymousDescriptor, ConvertLocalVariableDescriptor, ConvertMemberTypeDescriptor, CopyDescriptor, DeleteDescriptor, EncapsulateFieldDescriptor, ExtractClassDescriptor, ExtractConstantDescriptor, ExtractInterfaceDescriptor, ExtractLocalDescriptor, ExtractMethodDescriptor, ExtractSuperclassDescriptor, GeneralizeTypeDescriptor, InferTypeArgumentsDescriptor, InlineConstantDescriptor, InlineLocalVariableDescriptor, InlineMethodDescriptor, IntroduceFactoryDescriptor, IntroduceIndirectionDescriptor, IntroduceParameterDescriptor, IntroduceParameterObjectDescriptor, MoveDescriptor, MoveMethodDescriptor, MoveStaticMembersDescriptor, PullUpDescriptor, PushDownDescriptor, RenameJavaElementDescriptor, RenameLocalVariableDescriptor, RenameResourceDescriptor, UseSupertypeDescriptor

public abstract class JavaRefactoringDescriptor extends org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
Partial implementation of a java refactoring descriptor.

This class provides features common to all Java refactorings.

Note: this class is not intended to be extended outside the refactoring framework.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients outside JDT.
  • Field Details


      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT
      Predefined argument called element<Number>.

      This argument should be used to describe the elements being refactored. The value of this argument does not necessarily have to uniquely identify the elements. However, it must be possible to uniquely identify the elements using the value of this argument in conjunction with the values of the other user-defined attributes.

      The element arguments are simply distinguished by appending a number to the argument name, e.g. element1. The indices of this argument are one-based.

      See Also:

      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_INPUT
      Predefined argument called input.

      This argument should be used to describe the element being refactored. The value of this argument does not necessarily have to uniquely identify the input element. However, it must be possible to uniquely identify the input element using the value of this argument in conjunction with the values of the other user-defined attributes.

      See Also:

      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME
      Predefined argument called name.

      This argument should be used to name the element being refactored. The value of this argument may be shown in the user interface.

      See Also:

      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_REFERENCES
      Predefined argument called references.

      This argument should be used to describe whether references to the elements being refactored should be updated as well. The value of this argument is either "true" or "false".

      See Also:

      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION
      Predefined argument called selection.

      This argument should be used to describe user input selections within a text file. The value of this argument has the format "offset length".

      See Also:

      protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_VERSION
      The version attribute
      See Also:

      public static final int JAR_MIGRATION
      Constant describing the jar migration flag (value: 65536).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the refactoring can be stored to a JAR file in order to be accessible to the Migrate JAR File refactoring, regardless whether there is a source attachment to the JAR file or not. If this flag is set, JAR_REFACTORING should be set as well.

      See Also:

      public static final int JAR_REFACTORING
      Constant describing the jar refactoring flag (value: 524288).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the refactoring in principle can be performed on binary elements originating from a JAR file. Refactorings which are able to run on binary elements, but require a correctly configured source attachment to work must set the JAR_SOURCE_ATTACHMENT flag as well.

      See Also:

      public static final int JAR_SOURCE_ATTACHMENT
      Constant describing the jar source attachment flag (value: 262144).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the refactoring can be performed on binary elements originating from a JAR file if and only if it has a correctly configured source attachment.

      See Also:

      protected static final String VALUE_VERSION_1_0
      The version value 1.0
      See Also:
    • fArguments

      protected final Map<String,String> fArguments
      The argument map (key type: String, value type: String).
  • Constructor Details

    • JavaRefactoringDescriptor

      protected JavaRefactoringDescriptor(String id)
      Creates a new java refactoring descriptor.
      id - the unique id of the refactoring
    • JavaRefactoringDescriptor

      public JavaRefactoringDescriptor(String id, String project, String description, String comment, Map<String,String> arguments, int flags)
      Creates a new Java refactoring descriptor.
      id - the unique id of the refactoring
      project - the non-empty name of the project associated with this refactoring, or null for a workspace refactoring
      description - a non-empty human-readable description of the particular refactoring instance
      comment - the human-readable comment of the particular refactoring instance, or null for no comment
      arguments - a map of arguments that will be persisted and describes all settings for this refactoring
      flags - the flags of the refactoring descriptor
  • Method Details

    • elementToHandle

      protected static String elementToHandle(String project, IJavaElement element)
      Converts the specified element to an input handle.
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      element - the element
      a corresponding input handle
    • handleToElement

      protected static IJavaElement handleToElement(String project, String handle)
      Converts an input handle back to the corresponding java element.
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      handle - the input handle
      the corresponding java element, or null if no such element exists
    • handleToElement

      protected static IJavaElement handleToElement(String project, String handle, boolean check)
      Converts an input handle back to the corresponding java element.
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      handle - the input handle
      check - true to check for existence of the element, false otherwise
      the corresponding java element, or null if no such element exists
    • handleToElement

      protected static IJavaElement handleToElement(WorkingCopyOwner owner, String project, String handle, boolean check)
      Converts an input handle back to the corresponding java element.
      owner - the working copy owner
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      handle - the input handle
      check - true to check for existence of the element, false otherwise
      the corresponding java element, or null if no such element exists
    • handleToResource

      protected static org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource handleToResource(String project, String handle)
      Converts an input handle with the given prefix back to the corresponding resource.
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      handle - the input handle
      the corresponding resource, or null if no such resource exists
    • resourceToHandle

      protected static String resourceToHandle(String project, org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource resource)
      Converts the specified resource to an input handle.
      project - the project, or null for the workspace
      resource - the resource
      the input handle
    • createRefactoring

      public org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring createRefactoring(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus status) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Specified by:
      createRefactoring in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
    • getArguments

      protected Map<String,String> getArguments()
      Returns the argument map of this refactoring descriptor.

      The returned map is a copy of the argument map. Modifying the result does not change the refactoring descriptor itself.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      the argument map (key type: String, value type: String)
    • populateArgumentMap

      protected void populateArgumentMap()
      Populates the refactoring descriptor argument map based on the specified arguments. Subclasses should extend and add their arguments to fArguments.
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment)
      Sets the details comment of this refactoring.

      This information is used in the user interface to show additional details about the performed refactoring. The default is to use no details comment.

      setComment in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
      comment - the details comment to set, or null to set no details comment
      See Also:
      • RefactoringDescriptor.getComment()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description of this refactoring.

      This information is used to label a refactoring in the user interface. The default is an unspecified, but legal description.

      setDescription in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
      description - the non-empty description of the refactoring to set
      See Also:
      • RefactoringDescriptor.getDescription()
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(int flags)
      Sets the flags of this refactoring.

      The default is RefactoringDescriptor.STRUCTURAL_CHANGE | RefactoringDescriptor.MULTI_CHANGE, unless overridden by a concrete subclass. Clients may use refactoring flags to indicate special capabilities of Java refactorings.

      setFlags in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
      flags - the flags to set, or RefactoringDescriptor.NONE to clear the flags
      See Also:
    • setProject

      public void setProject(String project)
      Sets the project name of this refactoring.

      The default is to associate the refactoring with the workspace. Subclasses should call this method with the project name associated with the refactoring's input elements, if available.

      setProject in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor
      project - the non-empty project name to set, or null for the workspace
      See Also:
      • RefactoringDescriptor.getProject()
    • validateDescriptor

      public org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus validateDescriptor()
      Validates the refactoring descriptor with respect to the constraints imposed by the represented refactoring.

      Clients must call this method to verify that all arguments have been correctly set and that they satisfy the constraints imposed by specific refactorings. Returning a refactoring status of severity RefactoringStatus.FATAL indicates that the refactoring descriptor cannot be used to create a refactoring instance.

      a refactoring status describing the outcome of the validation