Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom
This package contains Eclipse extensions to some of the Sun annotation processing APIs.
This package contains miscellaneous APIs related to Java annotation processing.
The Java model is the set of classes that model the
objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program.
This package contains compiler associated infrastructure APIs.
The Java DOM/AST is the set of classes that model the source code of a Java program
as a structured document.
The Java DOM/AST rewrite is the set of classes that are used to make changes to an existing DOM/AST tree.
Application programming interface for the JDT core manipulation plug-in class.
Provides a set of tools and utilities for manipulating .class files and Java model elements.
Provides an implementation of a debug model based on JPDA (Java Platform Debug Architecture).
Provides a set classes and interfaces that support evaluations in the Java debugger.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with the Eclipse Java User Interface.
Application programming interfaces for Eclipse Java User Interface specific
Application programming interfaces for code clean up.
Application programming interfaces for correction proposals.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with the Eclipse Java User Interface wizards.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.env
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.util
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core.domClassDescriptionAST node for a tag within a doc comment.AST node for a text element within a doc comment.Abstract subclass for type declaration, enum declaration, and annotation type declaration AST node types.Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent an annotatable type (added in JLS8 API).Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent annotations.Annotation type declaration AST node type (added in JLS3 API).Annotation type member declaration AST node type (added in JLS3 API).Anonymous class declaration AST node type.Array access expression AST node type.Array creation expression AST node type.Array initializer AST node type.Type node for an array type.Assert statement AST node type.Assignment expression AST node type.Assignment operators (typesafe enumeration).Umbrella owner and abstract syntax tree node factory.Concrete superclass and default implementation of an AST subtree matcher.Abstract superclass of all Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node types.A Java language parser for creating abstract syntax trees (ASTs).An AST requestor handles ASTs for compilation units passed to
.A visitor for abstract syntax trees.Block statement AST node type.Block comment AST node type.Abstract base class of all AST nodes that represent body declarations that may appear in the body of some kind of class or interface declaration, including anonymous class declarations, enumeration declarations, and enumeration constant declarations.Boolean literal node.Break statement AST node type.Case Default Literal Pattern node.Cast expression AST node type.Catch clause AST node type.Character literal nodes.Descriptor for a child list property of an AST node.Descriptor for a child property of an AST node.Class instance creation expression AST node type.Abstract base class for all AST nodes that represent comments.Java compilation unit AST node type.Conditional expression AST node type.Alternate constructor invocation statement AST node type.Continue statement AST node type.Creation reference expression AST node type (added in JLS8 API).AST node for an array dimension (added in JLS8 API).Do statement AST node type.EitherOrMultiPattern AST node type.Null statement AST node type.Enhanced For statement AST node type (added in JLS3 API).Enumeration constant declaration AST node type (added in JLS3 API).Enum declaration AST node type (added in JLS3 API).Exports directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent expressions.Expression method reference AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Expression statement AST node type.Field access expression AST node type.Field declaration node type.An AST requestor handles ASTs for compilation units passed toASTParser.createASTs
.For statement AST node type.GuardedPattern pattern AST node type.Represents a resolved annotation.A binding represents a named entity in the Java language.Common marker interface for AST nodes that represent fragments in doc elements.Common interface for AST nodes that represent modifiers or annotations.If statement AST node type.Represents a resolved instance of an annotation's member value pair.A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.A module binding represents a module (added in JLS9 API).Import declaration AST node type.Infix expression AST node type.Infix operators (typesafe enumeration).Static or instance initializer AST node type.Instanceof expression AST node type.Type node for an intersection type in a cast expression (added in JLS8 API).A package binding represents a named or unnamed package.A type binding represents a fully-resolved type.A variable binding represents either a field of a class or interface, or a local variable declaration (including formal parameters, local variables, and exception variables).AST node for a Javadoc-style doc comment.JavaDocRegion pattern AST node type.AST node for a text element within a doc comment.Labeled statement AST node type.Lambda expression AST node type (added in JLS8 API).End-of-line comment AST node type.Marker annotation node (added in JLS3 API).AST node for a member reference within a doc comment (Javadoc
).Member value pair node (added in JLS3 API).Error message used to report potential errors found during the AST parsing or name resolution.Method declaration AST node type.Method invocation expression AST node type.AST node for a method or constructor reference within a doc comment (Javadoc
).Abstract base class of all AST node types that represent a method reference expression (added in JLS8 API).AST node for a parameter within a method reference (MethodRef
).Modifier node.Modifier keywords (typesafe enumeration).Module declaration AST node type representing the module descriptor file (added in JLS9 API).Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent module directives (added in JLS9 API).Module Modifier node - represents the modifiers for the requires directive in module declaration (added in JLS9 API).Module Modifier keywords (typesafe enumeration).Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent exports and opens directives (added in JLS9 API).AST node for a module qualified name.Abstract base class for all AST nodes that represent names.Node for a name-qualified type (added in JLS8 API).Normal annotation node (added in JLS3 API).Null literal node.Null Pattern node.Number literal nodes.Opens directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).Package declaration AST node type.Type node for a parameterized type (added in JLS3 API).Parenthesized expression AST node type.Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent patterns.PatternInstanceof expression AST node type.Postfix expression AST node type.Postfix operators (typesafe enumeration).Prefix expression AST node type.Prefix operators (typesafe enumeration).Primitive type nodes.Primitive type codes (typesafe enumeration).Provides directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).AST node for a qualified name.Type node for a qualified type (added in JLS3 API).Record declaration AST node type (added in JLS16 API).TypePattern pattern AST node type.Requires directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).Return statement AST node type.AST node for a simple name.Descriptor for a simple property of an AST node.Type node for a named class type, a named interface type, or a type variable.Single member annotation node (added in JLS3 API).Single variable declaration AST node type.Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent statements.String literal nodes.Abstract base class for property descriptors of AST nodes.Super constructor invocation statement AST node type.Simple or qualified "super" field access expression AST node type.Simple or qualified "super" method invocation expression AST node type.Super method reference AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Switch case AST node type.Switch expression AST node type (added in JEP 325).Switch statement AST node type.Synchronized statement AST node type.AST node for a tag within a doc comment.TagProperty pattern AST node type.TextBlock AST node type.AST node for a text element within a doc comment.Simple or qualified "this" AST node type.Throw statement AST node type.Try statement AST node type.Abstract base class of all type reference AST node types.Type declaration AST node type.Local type declaration statement AST node type.Type literal AST node type.Type method reference expression AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Type parameter declaration node (added in JLS3 API).TypePattern pattern AST node type.Type node for an union type (added in JLS4 API).Uses directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).Abstract base class of all AST node types that declare a single variable.Local variable declaration expression AST node type.Variable declaration fragment AST node type, used in field declarations, local variable declarations,ForStatement
initializers, andLambdaExpression
parameters.Local variable declaration statement AST node type.While statement AST node type.Type node for a wildcard type (added in JLS3 API).Yield statement AST node type. -
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewriteClassDescriptionAbstract base class of AST nodes that represent annotations.Umbrella owner and abstract syntax tree node factory.Abstract superclass of all Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node types.Descriptor for a child list property of an AST node.Java compilation unit AST node type.Represents a resolved annotation.A binding represents a named entity in the Java language.A type binding represents a fully-resolved type.Abstract base class for property descriptors of AST nodes.Abstract base class of all type reference AST node types.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulationClassDescriptionAbstract superclass of all Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node types.A visitor for abstract syntax trees.Class instance creation expression AST node type.Java compilation unit AST node type.Continue statement AST node type.Creation reference expression AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Expression method reference AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Field access expression AST node type.A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.Import declaration AST node type.Labeled statement AST node type.Marker annotation node (added in JLS3 API).AST node for a member reference within a doc comment (
).Method declaration AST node type.Method invocation expression AST node type.AST node for a method or constructor reference within a doc comment (Javadoc
).AST node for a parameter within a method reference (MethodRef
).AST node for a module qualified name.Node for a name-qualified type (added in JLS8 API).Normal annotation node (added in JLS3 API).Package declaration AST node type.Provides directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).AST node for a qualified name.Type node for a qualified type (added in JLS3 API).AST node for a simple name.Type node for a named class type, a named interface type, or a type variable.Single member annotation node (added in JLS3 API).Super constructor invocation statement AST node type.Simple or qualified "super" field access expression AST node type.Super method reference AST node type (added in JLS8 API).AST node for a tag within a doc comment.Simple or qualified "this" AST node type.Type declaration AST node type.Type method reference expression AST node type (added in JLS8 API).Uses directive AST node type (added in JLS9 API).Yield statement AST node type. -
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.core.utilClassDescriptionJava compilation unit AST node type.A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.A type binding represents a fully-resolved type.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.debug.coreClassDescriptionError message used to report potential errors found during the AST parsing or name resolution.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.debug.evalClassDescriptionError message used to report potential errors found during the AST parsing or name resolution.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.dom
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.uiClassDescriptionJava compilation unit AST node type.A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.Method declaration AST node type.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actionsClassDescriptionJava compilation unit AST node type.A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.A type binding represents a fully-resolved type.
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom used by org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards