Class LocalMonitoredProxyCreationListener

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LocalMonitoredProxyCreationListener extends AbstractMonitoredProxyCreationListener
Implementation of IProxyCreationListener for local resolutions.
  • Field Details

    • eventBus

      protected final eventBus
      The event bus to use to notify interesting events.
    • localResolver

      protected final IResourceDependencyLocalResolver localResolver
      The local resolver.
    • processProxies

      protected final boolean processProxies
      Whether this listener should process proxies.
  • Constructor Details

    • LocalMonitoredProxyCreationListener

      public LocalMonitoredProxyCreationListener(ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor, eventBus, IResourceDependencyLocalResolver localResolver, DiagnosticSupport diagnostic)
      monitor - The progress monitor to use
      eventBus - The event bus
      dependencyProvider - The dependency provider
      diagnostic - The diagnostic
  • Method Details

    • proxyCreated

      public void proxyCreated(Resource source, EObject eObject, EStructuralFeature feature, EObject proxy, int position)
      This will be called when a proxy is created from one of the parser pool's parsers.
      source - The resource in which a proxy has been created towards another.
      eObject - The EObject on which some feature is going to be set with a proxy value.
      feature - The structural feature which value will contain a proxy.
      proxy - The actual proxy created for this eObject's feature.
      position - Position at which the proxy is going to be inserted. This will be set to -1 when the proxy is added at the end of the eStructuralFeature's values list (for multi-valued features) or if said feature is single-valued.