Interface IResourceDependencyLocalResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IResourceDependencyLocalResolver
A resource dependency provider is in charge of providing the dependencies of resources (local or remote resources, remote meaning hosted in git for instance).
  • Method Details

    • demandResolve

      void demandResolve(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri, DiagnosticSupport diagnostic, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor tspm)
      Allows callers to launch the loading and resolution of the model pointed at by the given URI.

      This will check whether the given storage isn't already being resolved, then submit a job to the #resolvingPool to load and resolve the model in a separate thread.

      resourceSet - The resource set in which to load the resource.
      uri - The uri we are to try and load as a model.
      diagnostic - The diagnostic
      tspm - Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
      See Also:
      • LocalResolveComputation
    • updateDependencies

      void updateDependencies(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor, DiagnosticSupport diagnostic, org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile... start) throws InterruptedException
      Make sure that dependencies for the given files are up to date.
      monitor - Progress monitor to use
      diagnostic - Diagnostic to report issues
      start - files that are the starting points for the update