Using existing code

This tutorial describes how to create a new Core Build System (CBS) project for use with existing code.

Using existing code is done by creating a new empty CDT project in the top directory containing the existing source files. CDT project files will be created in the existing source directory.

Using an existing CMake project

To create an empty CMake project in CDT select the template Empty or Existing CMake Project in the New C/C++ Project wizard.

Empty or Existing CMake Project

In the New CMake Project wizard uncheck Use default location and set the location of the existing code.

Existing code CMake

More information about creating a CMake project is described in Creating a CMake project

Using an existing Makefile project

Create a CBS Makefile project in CDT as described in Creating a Core Build System Makefile project with the following changes:

In the New Makefile Project wizard uncheck Use default location, set the location of the existing code, and uncheck Create Hello World Source and Makefile example.

Existing code Makefile

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