Class SegmentMatcher


public class SegmentMatcher extends Object
A matcher for camel case matching supporting both the camel case as well as he underscore notation.
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • SegmentMatcher

      public SegmentMatcher(char[] pattern)
      pattern - The camel case or underscore pattern.
  • Method Details

    • match

      public boolean match(char[] name)
      Matches the given name by prefix and segment matching.
      true if the associated pattern is a prefix-based or segment-based abbreviation of name.
    • matchPrefix

      public boolean matchPrefix(char[] name)
      Matches the given name by prefix matching.
      true if the associated pattern is a prefix-based abbreviation of name.
    • matchSegments

      public boolean matchSegments(char[] name)
      Matches the given name by segment matching.
      true if the associated pattern is a segment-based abbreviation of name.
    • match

      public static boolean match(char[] pattern, char[] name)
      Matches pattern to name by prefix and segment matching. If you have to match against the same pattern repeatedly, create a SegmentMatcher instead and re-use it all the time, because this is much faster.
      true if pattern is a prefix-based or segment-based abbreviation of name
    • getPrefixForBinarySearch

      public char[] getPrefixForBinarySearch()
      The pattern used by this matcher is not suitable for binary searches (e.g. within the index). However, there can be calculated a string that can be used in the context of binary searches. In the compare method used by your binary search, return 0 for any string that starts with the returned string.
      Such a string.
    • matchRequiredAfterBinarySearch

      public boolean matchRequiredAfterBinarySearch()
      If false, calling match(char[]) can be skipped if a name survived a binary search using the prefix returned by getPrefixForBinarySearch() as key.