Interface ICModel

All Superinterfaces:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IBufferChangedListener, ICElement, IOpenable, IParent

public interface ICModel extends ICElement, IParent, IOpenable
Represent the root C element corresponding to the workspace. Since there is only one such root element, it is commonly referred to as the C model element. The C model element needs to be opened before it can be navigated or manipulated. The C model element has no parent (it is the root of the C element hierarchy). Its children are ICProjects.

This interface provides methods for performing copy, move, rename, and delete operations on multiple C elements.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • copy

      void copy(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] containers, ICElement[] siblings, String[] renamings, boolean replace, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException
      Copies the given elements to the specified container(s). If one container is specified, all elements are copied to that container. If more than one container is specified, the number of elements and containers must match, and each element is copied to its associated container.

      Optionally, each copy can positioned before a sibling element. If null is specified for a given sibling, the copy is inserted as the last child of its associated container.

      Optionally, each copy can be renamed. If null is specified for the new name, the copy is not renamed.

      Optionally, any existing child in the destination container with the same name can be replaced by specifying true for force. Otherwise an exception is thrown in the event that a name collision occurs.

      elements - the elements to copy
      containers - the container, or list of containers
      siblings - the list of sibling elements, any of which may be null, or null
      renamings - the list of new names, any of which may be null, or null
      replace - true if any existing child in a target container with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
      monitor - a progress monitor
      CModelException - if an element could not be copied. Reasons include:
      • A specified element, container, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
      • A container is of an incompatible type (INVALID_DESTINATION)
      • A sibling is not a child of it associated container (INVALID_SIBLING)
      • A new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
      • A child in its associated container already exists with the same name and replace has been specified as false (NAME_COLLISION)
      • A container or element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
    • delete

      void delete(ICElement[] elements, boolean force, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException
      Deletes the given elements, forcing the operation if necessary and specified.
      elements - the elements to delete
      force - a flag controlling whether underlying resources that are not in sync with the local file system will be tolerated
      monitor - a progress monitor
      CModelException - if an element could not be deleted. Reasons include:
      • A specified element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
      • An element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
    • move

      void move(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] containers, ICElement[] siblings, String[] renamings, boolean replace, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException
      Moves the given elements to the specified container(s). If one container is specified, all elements are moved to that container. If more than one container is specified, the number of elements and containers must match, and each element is moved to its associated container.

      Optionally, each element can positioned before a sibling element. If null is specified for sibling, the element is inserted as the last child of its associated container.

      Optionally, each element can be renamed. If null is specified for the new name, the element is not renamed.

      Optionally, any existing child in the destination container with the same name can be replaced by specifying true for force. Otherwise an exception is thrown in the event that a name collision occurs.

      elements - the elements to move
      containers - the container, or list of containers
      siblings - the list of siblings element any of which may be null; or null
      renamings - the list of new names any of which may be null; or null
      replace - true if any existing child in a target container with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
      monitor - a progress monitor
      CModelException - if an element could not be moved. Reasons include:
      • A specified element, container, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
      • A container is of an incompatible type (INVALID_DESTINATION)
      • A sibling is not a child of it associated container (INVALID_SIBLING)
      • A new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
      • A child in its associated container already exists with the same name and replace has been specified as false (NAME_COLLISION)
      • A container or element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
      IllegalArgumentException - any element or container is null
    • rename

      void rename(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] destinations, String[] names, boolean replace, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException
      Renames the given elements as specified. If one container is specified, all elements are renamed within that container. If more than one container is specified, the number of elements and containers must match, and each element is renamed within its associated container.
      elements - the elements to rename
      destinations - the container, or list of containers
      names - the list of new names
      replace - true if an existing child in a target container with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
      monitor - a progress monitor
      CModelException - if an element could not be renamed. Reasons include:
      • A specified element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
      • A new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
      • A child already exists with the same name and replace has been specified as false (NAME_COLLISION)
      • An element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
    • getCProject

      ICProject getCProject(String name)
      Returns the C project with the given name. This is a handle-only method. The project may or may not exist.
      name - of the project
    • getCProjects

      ICProject[] getCProjects() throws CModelException
      Returns the C projects.
    • getNonCResources

      Object[] getNonCResources() throws CModelException
      Returns an array of non-C resources (i.e. non-C projects) in the workspace.

      Non-C projects include all projects that are closed (even if they have the C nature).

      an array of non-C projects contained in the workspace.
      CModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getWorkspace

      org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace getWorkspace()
      Returns the workspace associated with this C model.