Interface IBufferChangedListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
IArchive, IArchiveContainer, IBinary, IBinaryContainer, ICContainer, ICModel, ICProject, IOpenable, ISourceRoot, ITranslationUnit, IWorkingCopy

public interface IBufferChangedListener
A listener, which gets notified when the contents of a specific buffer have changed, or when the buffer is closed. When a buffer is closed, the listener is notified after the buffer has been closed. A listener is not notified when a buffer is saved.

This interface may be implemented by clients.

This interface is similar to the JDT IBufferChangedListener interface
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notifies that the given event has occurred.
  • Method Details

    • bufferChanged

      void bufferChanged(BufferChangedEvent event)
      Notifies that the given event has occurred.
      event - the change event