C/C++ Indexer
The C/C++ indexer uses the parser to create a database of your source and header files that provides the basis for C/C++ search, navigation features and parts of content assist.
The indexer runs on a background thread and reacts to resource change events such as:
- C/C++ project creation/deletion
- Source files creation/deletion
- File imports
- Source file content changes
It is possible to customize the behavior of the indexer through the
use of source folders or even turn it off completely. This customizable
behavior is available on a per-project basis (i.e. it is possible to
have different indexer settings for each project in your workspace).
CDT supports the contribution of additional indexers, with 2
indexers being provided with the default CDT release:
- Fast C/C++ Indexer : provides fastest indexing capabilities - both
declarations and cross reference information. This is the recommended indexer.
- Full C/C++ Indexer : provides even more accurate indexing capabilities at the cost of performance - both
declarations and cross reference information.
C/C++ search
C/C++ Indexer Progress Bar
Scanner Discovery
Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
Setting Source Folders
C/C++ search page, Search dialog box
C/C++ Project Properties, Indexer