Uses of Interface
Packages that use INullSelectionListener
Uses of INullSelectionListener in org.eclipse.ui.internal
Classes in org.eclipse.ui.internal that implement INullSelectionListenerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Extends PartPluginAction for usage in editor parts.class
An object action extension in a popup menu.class
This class adds to the PluginAction support by setting itself up for work within a WorkbenchPart.class
An intermediate selection listener that filters selection change events based on one or more predicates and forwards it to the functional selection listener.class
A PluginAction is a proxy for an action class
This class extends regular plugin action with the additional requirement that the delegate has to implement interface IViewActionDeelgate.class
This class extends regular plugin action with the additional requirement that the delegate has to implement interfaceIWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate
A workbench window pulldown action.