Interface IWizard

All Known Subinterfaces:
IConfigurationWizard, IExportWizard, IImportWizard, INewWizard, IWorkbenchWizard, IWorkingSetEditWizard, IWorkingSetNewWizard
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicNewFileResourceWizard, BasicNewFolderResourceWizard, BasicNewProjectResourceWizard, BasicNewResourceWizard, DeleteResourcesWizard, ExternalProjectImportWizard, FileSystemExportWizard, FileSystemImportWizard, ModelParticipantWizard, MoveResourcesWizard, ParticipantSynchronizeWizard, RefactoringHistoryWizard, RefactoringWizard, RenameResourceWizard, SubscriberParticipantWizard, Wizard, ZipFileExportWizard, ZipFileImportWizard

public interface IWizard
Interface for a wizard. A wizard maintains a list of wizard pages, stacked on top of each other in card layout fashion.

The class Wizard provides an abstract implementation of this interface. However, clients are also free to implement this interface if Wizard does not suit their needs.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addPages

      void addPages()
      Adds any last-minute pages to this wizard.

      This method is called just before the wizard becomes visible, to give the wizard the opportunity to add any lazily created pages.

    • canFinish

      boolean canFinish()
      Returns whether this wizard could be finished without further user interaction.

      The result of this method is typically used by the wizard container to enable or disable the Finish button.

      true if the wizard could be finished, and false otherwise
    • createPageControls

      void createPageControls(Composite pageContainer)
      Creates this wizard's controls in the given parent control.

      The wizard container calls this method to create the controls for the wizard's pages before the wizard is opened. This allows the wizard to size correctly; otherwise a resize may occur when moving to a new page.

      pageContainer - the parent control
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes of this wizard and frees all SWT resources.
    • getContainer

      IWizardContainer getContainer()
      Returns the container of this wizard.
      the wizard container, or null if this wizard has yet to be added to a container
    • getDefaultPageImage

      Image getDefaultPageImage()
      Returns the default page image for this wizard.

      This image can be used for pages which do not supply their own image.

      the default page image
    • getDialogSettings

      IDialogSettings getDialogSettings()
      Returns the dialog settings for this wizard.

      The dialog store is used to record state between wizard invocations (for example, radio button selections, last directory, etc.).

      the dialog settings, or null if none
    • getNextPage

      IWizardPage getNextPage(IWizardPage page)
      Returns the successor of the given page.

      This method is typically called by a wizard page

      page - the page
      the next page, or null if none
    • getMinimumWizardSize

      default Point getMinimumWizardSize()
      Returns the minimum size of this wizard. The minimum size is calculated using the minimum page sizes of all wizard pages. May return null if none of the wizard pages specify a minimum size.
      the minimum size encoded as new Point(width,height)
      See Also:
    • getPage

      IWizardPage getPage(String pageName)
      Returns the wizard page with the given name belonging to this wizard.
      pageName - the name of the wizard page
      the wizard page with the given name, or null if none
    • getPageCount

      int getPageCount()
      Returns the number of pages in this wizard.
      the number of wizard pages
    • getPages

      IWizardPage[] getPages()
      Returns all the pages in this wizard.
      a list of pages
    • getPreviousPage

      IWizardPage getPreviousPage(IWizardPage page)
      Returns the predecessor of the given page.

      This method is typically called by a wizard page

      page - the page
      the previous page, or null if none
    • getStartingPage

      IWizardPage getStartingPage()
      Returns the first page to be shown in this wizard.
      the first wizard page
    • getTitleBarColor

      RGB getTitleBarColor()
      Returns the title bar color for this wizard.
      the title bar color
    • getWindowTitle

      String getWindowTitle()
      Returns the window title string for this wizard.
      the window title string, or null for no title
    • isHelpAvailable

      boolean isHelpAvailable()
      Returns whether help is available for this wizard.

      The result of this method is typically used by the container to show or hide a button labeled "Help".

      Note: This wizard's container might be a TrayDialog which provides its own help support that is independent of this property.

      Note 2: In the default WizardDialog implementation, the "Help" button only works when IDialogPage.performHelp() is implemented.

      true if help is available, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • needsPreviousAndNextButtons

      boolean needsPreviousAndNextButtons()
      Returns whether this wizard needs Previous and Next buttons.

      The result of this method is typically used by the container.

      true if Previous and Next buttons are required, and false if none are needed
    • needsProgressMonitor

      boolean needsProgressMonitor()
      Returns whether this wizard needs a progress monitor.

      The result of this method is typically used by the container.

      true if a progress monitor is required, and false if none is needed
    • performCancel

      boolean performCancel()
      Performs any actions appropriate in response to the user having pressed the Cancel button, or refuse if canceling now is not permitted.
      true to indicate the cancel request was accepted, and false to indicate that the cancel request was refused
    • performFinish

      boolean performFinish()
      Performs any actions appropriate in response to the user having pressed the Finish button, or refuse if finishing now is not permitted. Normally this method is only called on the container's current wizard. However if the current wizard is a nested wizard this method will also be called on all wizards in its parent chain. Such parents may use this notification to save state etc. However, the value the parents return from this method is ignored.
      true to indicate the finish request was accepted, and false to indicate that the finish request was refused
    • setContainer

      void setContainer(IWizardContainer wizardContainer)
      Sets or clears the container of this wizard.
      wizardContainer - the wizard container, or null