Interface IBreakpointOrganizerDelegate

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public interface IBreakpointOrganizerDelegate
A breakpoint organizer is used to categorize breakpoints and provides change notification when categorization has changed. Categories are represented as arbitrary adaptable objects. For example, projects could be used to categorize breakpoints. Images and labels for categories are generated via workbench adapters.

Organizers may optionally support breakpoint recategorization.

Following is example plug-in XML for contributing a breakpoint organizer.

 <extension point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.breakpointOrganizers">
      label="Example Organizer"
The attributes are specified as follows:
  • class Fully qualified name of a Java class that implements IBreakpointOrganizerDelegate.
  • id Unique identifier for this breakpoint organizer.
  • label Label for this organizer which is suitable for presentation to the user.
  • icon Optional path to an icon which can be shown for this organizer

Clients contributing a breakpoint organizer are intended to implement this interface.

  • Field Details


      static final String P_CATEGORY_CHANGED
      Change event id when a category's breakpoints have changed. The oldValue of the PropertyChangeEvent will be the category that has changed, and the source of the event will the the breakpoint organizer. Breakpoints in the category will be recategorized when this event is fired.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCategories

      IAdaptable[] getCategories(IBreakpoint breakpoint)
      Returns objects representing the categories of the specified breakpoint or null if this organizer cannot classify the breakpoint. Categories must return true when sent the message equals(Object) with an equivalent category as an argument.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to classify
      categories of the given breakpoint or null
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      void addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener)
      Adds the specified listener. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
      listener - listener to add
    • removePropertyChangeListener

      void removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener)
      Removes the specified listener. Has no effect if an identical listener is not already registered.
      listener - listener to remove
    • addBreakpoint

      void addBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IAdaptable category)
      Adds the specified breakpoint to the given category. Only called if canAdd(...) returns true for the given breakpoint and category.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to recategorize
      category - the breakpoint's new category
    • removeBreakpoint

      void removeBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IAdaptable category)
      Removes the specified breakpoint from the given category. Only called if canRemove(...) returns true for the given breakpoint and category.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to recategorize
      category - the category the breakpoint is remove from
    • canAdd

      boolean canAdd(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IAdaptable category)
      Returns whether the given breakpoint can be categorized in the specified category.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to recatogorize
      category - the category to add the breakpoint to
      whether the given breakpoint can be categorized in the specified category
    • canRemove

      boolean canRemove(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IAdaptable category)
      Returns whether the given breakpoint can be removed from the given category.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to recategorize
      category - the category to remove the breakpoint from
      whether the given breakpoint can be removed from the given category
    • getCategories

      IAdaptable[] getCategories()
      Returns all categories managed by this organizer, or null. When null is returned, the breakpoints view only displays categories that contain breakpoints. When a collection of categories is returned the breakpoints will display all of the categories, some of which may be empty.
      all categories managed by this organizer, or null
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes this breakpoint organizer.