Interface IBeanValueProperty<S,T>

Type Parameters:
S - type of the source object
T - type of the value of the property
All Superinterfaces:
IBeanProperty, IProperty, IValueProperty<S,T>

public interface IBeanValueProperty<S,T> extends IBeanProperty, IValueProperty<S,T>
An IValueProperty extension interface with convenience methods for creating nested bean properties.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • value

      <T2> IBeanValueProperty<S,T2> value(String propertyName)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property.
      propertyName - the value property to observe. May be nested e.g. ""
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property.
      See Also:
    • value

      <T2> IBeanValueProperty<S,T2> value(String propertyName, Class<T2> valueType)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property.
      propertyName - the value property to observe. May be nested e.g. ""
      valueType - the value type of the named property
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property.
      See Also:
    • value

      <T2> IBeanValueProperty<S,T2> value(IBeanValueProperty<? super T,T2> property)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property. The returned property will observe the specified detail value property for the value of the master value property.


       // Observes the Node-typed "parent" property of a Node object
       IBeanValueProperty parent = BeanProperties.value(Node.class, "parent");
       // Observes the string-typed "name" property of a Node object
       IBeanValueProperty name = BeanProperties.value(Node.class, "name");
       // Observes the name of the parent of a Node object.
       IBeanValueProperty parentName = parent.value(name);
      property - the detail property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified value property.
    • list

      <E> IBeanListProperty<S,E> list(String propertyName)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property.
      propertyName - the list property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property.
      See Also:
    • list

      <E> IBeanListProperty<S,E> list(String propertyName, Class<E> elementType)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property.
      propertyName - the list property to observe
      elementType - the element type of the named property
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property.
      See Also:
    • list

      <E> IBeanListProperty<S,E> list(IBeanListProperty<? super T,E> property)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property. The returned property will observe the specified list property for the value of the master property.


       // Observes the Node-typed "parent" property of a Node object.
       IBeanValueProperty parent = BeanProperties.value(Node.class, "parent");
       // Observes the List-typed "children" property of a Node object
       // where the elements are Node objects
       IBeanListProperty children = BeanProperties.list(Node.class, "children",
       // Observes the children of the parent (siblings) of a Node object.
       IBeanListProperty siblings = parent.list(children);
      property - the detail property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified list property.
    • set

      <E> IBeanSetProperty<S,E> set(String propertyName)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property.
      propertyName - the set property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property.
      See Also:
    • set

      <E> IBeanSetProperty<S,E> set(String propertyName, Class<E> elementType)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property.
      propertyName - the set property to observe
      elementType - the element type of the named property
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property.
      See Also:
    • set

      <E> IBeanSetProperty<S,E> set(IBeanSetProperty<? super T,E> property)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property. The returned property will observe the specified set property for the value of the master property.


       // Observes the Node-typed "parent" property of a Node object.
       IBeanValueProperty parent = BeanProperties.value(Node.class, "parent");
       // Observes the Set-typed "children" property of a Node object
       // where the elements are Node objects
       IBeanSetProperty children = BeanProperties.set(Node.class, "children",
       // Observes the children of the parent (siblings) of a Node object.
       IBeanSetProperty siblings = parent.set(children);
      property - the detail property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified set property.
    • map

      <K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S,K,V> map(String propertyName)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property.
      propertyName - the map property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property.
      See Also:
    • map

      <K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S,K,V> map(String propertyName, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property.
      propertyName - the map property to observe
      keyType - the key type of the named property
      valueType - the value type of the named property
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property.
      See Also:
    • map

      <K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S,K,V> map(IBeanMapProperty<? super T,K,V> property)
      Returns a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property. The returned property will observe the specified map property for the value of the master property.


       // Observes the Contact-typed "supervisor" property of a
       // Contact class
       IBeanValueProperty supervisor = BeanProperties.value(Contact.class,
       // Observes the property "phoneNumbers" of a Contact object--a property mapping
       // from PhoneNumberType to PhoneNumber "set-typed "children",
       IBeanMapProperty phoneNumbers =,
                      "phoneNumbers", PhoneNumberType.class, PhoneNumber.class);
       // Observes the phone numbers of a contact's supervisor:
       IBeanMapProperty supervisorPhoneNumbers =;
      property - the detail property to observe
      a master-detail combination of this property and the specified map property.