Table of contentsHow abstract components are created when reading a schema – an animation in 12 slides -- schemas that use <include> and <import> Parse of a top level schema document. Parse of s1 <xs:schema targetNamespace=“t1”> Parse of s1 <xs:include schemaLocation=“s3.xsd”> Parse of s3 <xs:schema targetNamespace=“t1”> Parse of s3 <xs:element name=“t1e2” type=“xs:string”/> Parse of s3 </xs:schema> Parse of s1 <xs:import namespace=“t2” schemaLocation=“s2.xsd”/> Parse of s2 <xs:schema targetNamespace=“t2”/> Parse of s2 <xs:element name=“t2e1” type=../> Parse of s2 </xs:schema> Parse of s1 <xs:element name=“t1e1”../> Parse of s1 </xs:schema> |
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