Where ever an xsl element supports a select , test , or match attribute, content assistance is available. This includes support for the following:
Select, Match and Test Assistance
Variables - both local and global variables are supported within the current stylesheet. Any local or global variable will be added to the list and the name is prefixed with a dollar sign $ symbol.
XPath 1.0 - XPath 1.0 is supported through the use of templates. All of the XPath 1.0 and XSLT xpath extension functions are available, as well as axis operations. Currently XPath 2.0 is not supported directly, but will be added in the future.
Content assistance for the select and test attributes is intelligent enough to know that it is within an XPath expression, and will try to determine and provide content assistance based on the current cursor position. If a word has been partially typed it will filter the available assistance.