After you create an XML schema, you can edit its various
properties, such as its namespace and prefix.
The following instructions were written
for the Resource perspective, but they will also work in many other
To edit an XML schema's properties, complete the
following steps:
- Create a new XML schema or double-click an existing schema
in the Navigator view. It will automatically open in the
XML schema editor.
- In the Outline view, click Directives.
- In the Properties view, click the General tab.
- You can change the Prefix associated
with the current namespace. Element and attribute names
that are associated with this namespace will be prefixed with this
- You can also edit the Target namespace for
this schema. A namespace is a URI that provides a unique
name to associate with all the elements and type definitions in a
- Click the Documentation tab if you
want to provide any information about this XML schema. The Documentation page
is used for human readable material, such as a description.
- Click the Extensions tab if you
want to add application information elements to your annotations of
schema components. The Extensions page
allows you to specify the schema and add XML content to your annotations.
- Click the Advanced tab if you want
to define the following additional schema attributes:
- Prefix for elements (elementFormDefault)
- Prefix for attributes (attributeFormDefault)
- Block default (blockDefault)
- Final default (finalDefault)