The following are limitations and known issues:
Cause: XDoclet has some limitations with long path names.
Solution: You should install Eclipse and the Web Tools Platform into a directory with a short path.
org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils isAttachmentSupported WARNING: Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
Cause: Attachment support is disabled.
Solution: The Apache Axis tools should auto-detect the javax.activation classes provided you add activation.jar to the build path of the project to which you are generating your Web service or client. For services, you will also need to make sure activation.jar is available to the Tomcat JRE, either by including it in the server's global classpath or by placing a copy of activation.jar into the target Web project's lib/ directory.
Cause: By default the context root of a dynamic Web project uses the project name. If non-ASCII characters are used as project names for dynamic Web projects, the default context root causes problems when trying to publish from the Web project.
You may encounter the following errors if this occurs:
Solution: The following ASCII characters are valid in the context root: all letters, all numbers, an underscore, a hyphen (dash), a forward slash, or a period.