If you have a WSDL file you can use Ant through the Eclipse workspace
to generate a Web service client using the Axis run-time environment.
Before creating the Web service client you must:
In order to create the Web service client you need to modify the
Ant file and the Ant properties file.
- Edit the Ant file (axis_client.xml) that
you imported in the prerequisite steps. Ensure that it points to the client
Ant properties file: it should contain a line stating <property
file="axis_client.properties"/>. Save any changes that
you have made.
- Edit the axis_client.properties file that
you imported in the prerequisite steps.
- Ensure that the scenarioType parameter is set to client.
- Set the workspace parameter so that it points to the location
of your WSDL file.
- All other parameters are optional and should be deleted if not
explicitly set. The default values for the remaining parameters will be retrieved
from the dynamic project settings. For additional information on how to set
these parameters refer to: Axis Web service client Ant task properties file reference
Save the axis_client.properties file.
- Right-click axis_client.xml and select
- In the dialog that opens, select the JRE tab
and select Run in the same JRE as the workspace.
Click Apply and then click Run.
- Once your Web service has been generated the console displays a Build
Successful message.
The following files will have been created and placed in the dynamic
Web project's WebContent\wsdl folder:
The following files will have been created and placed in the dynamic
Web project's WebContent\WEB-INF folder:
- undeploy.wsdd
- deploy.wsdd
The following files will have been created and placed under the dynamic
Web project's src folder. Depending on the WSDL file on which the Web service
client is based, the files for your Web service client may be different:
- Service_nameProxy.java
- getService_name.java
- getService_nameLocator.java
- getService_nameSoap.java
- getService_nameSoapProxy.java
- getService_nameSoapStub.java