Product Support

We understand that sometimes time is of the essence, or you just need more guidance than our manuals and examples provide. We have worked hard to put together a series of support options to help you as promptly and as thoroughly as you need.

For support details, see the sections of this page:

Requesting Technical Support

The quickest mechanism for requesting support is to use the Error Reporting system included within the product. Just click the Create Report button and submit the case to the WindowBuilder forum or bug tracking system (GitHub > Tools > WindowBuilder)..

If you are unable to use the Error Reporting system, please include our support form with the product name, version and platform with any forum support requests. In addition, please be sure to provide the details on your operating system and/or development environment. Your questions should be concise and restricted to a single incident or request. If you have any code which may be relevant to the problem please include it. Example code that illustrates the problem is especially welcome (and often leads to a quicker resolution) as are debug logs generated in the event of a system exception.

What if I think I've found a bug?

We appreciate the help of our users in identifying bugs in our software. Bugs are an inconvenience to all of us, but unfortunately the reality of software development. We accept bug reports, using the form below, via email, fax or phone. If an exception occurs within the product, you may also use the error reporting option.

Support Form

Example Support Form

Please submit all support requests with the following information along with a description of the problem and your expectations, steps to reproduce the problem, detailed error messages, your Eclipse ".log" file (found in your <workspace>/.metadata directory), and code samples as appropriate. Please include any other technical information that you think might be helpful to us in our efforts to resolve the problem.

Priorities are:

  • Low: minor impact, resolution desired but not required
  • Standard: resolution needed, but can continue working project
  • High: work substantially impaired, deadline is near, etc.
  • Critical: system down, deadline imminent, etc.

Format of the support form:

  • Product name:
  • Version:
  • OS Name/Version:
  • Priority: Low/Standard/High/Critical
  • Eclipse Log Attached: Yes/No