Class CoolBar

All Implemented Interfaces:
Adaptable, Drawable

public class CoolBar extends Composite
Instances of this class provide an area for dynamically positioning the items they contain.

The item children that may be added to instances of this class must be of type CoolItem.

Note that although this class is a subclass of Composite, it does not make sense to add Control children to it, or set a layout on it.


Note: Only one of the styles HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL may be specified.

IMPORTANT: This class is not intended to be subclassed.

  • Constructor Details

    • CoolBar

      public CoolBar(Composite parent, int style)
      Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.

      The style value is either one of the style constants defined in class SWT which is applicable to instances of this class, or must be built by bitwise OR'ing together (that is, using the int "|" operator) two or more of those SWT style constants. The class description lists the style constants that are applicable to the class. Style bits are also inherited from superclasses.

      parent - a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
      style - the style of control to construct
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent
      • ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • checkSubclass

      protected void checkSubclass()
      Description copied from class: Widget
      Checks that this class can be subclassed.

      The SWT class library is intended to be subclassed only at specific, controlled points (most notably, Composite and Canvas when implementing new widgets). This method enforces this rule unless it is overridden.

      IMPORTANT: By providing an implementation of this method that allows a subclass of a class which does not normally allow subclassing to be created, the implementer agrees to be fully responsible for the fact that any such subclass will likely fail between SWT releases and will be strongly platform specific. No support is provided for user-written classes which are implemented in this fashion.

      The ability to subclass outside of the allowed SWT classes is intended purely to enable those not on the SWT development team to implement patches in order to get around specific limitations in advance of when those limitations can be addressed by the team. Subclassing should not be attempted without an intimate and detailed understanding of the hierarchy.

      checkSubclass in class Widget
    • computeSize

      public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed)
      Description copied from class: Control
      Returns the preferred size of the receiver.

      The preferred size of a control is the size that it would best be displayed at. The width hint and height hint arguments allow the caller to ask a control questions such as "Given a particular width, how high does the control need to be to show all of the contents?" To indicate that the caller does not wish to constrain a particular dimension, the constant SWT.DEFAULT is passed for the hint.

      If the changed flag is true, it indicates that the receiver's contents have changed, therefore any caches that a layout manager containing the control may have been keeping need to be flushed. When the control is resized, the changed flag will be false, so layout manager caches can be retained.

      computeSize in class Composite
      wHint - the width hint (can be SWT.DEFAULT)
      hHint - the height hint (can be SWT.DEFAULT)
      changed - true if the control's contents have changed, and false otherwise
      the preferred size of the control.
      See Also:
    • getItem

      public CoolItem getItem(int index)
      Returns the item that is currently displayed at the given, zero-relative index. Throws an exception if the index is out of range.
      index - the visual index of the item to return
      the item at the given visual index
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • ERROR_INVALID_RANGE - if the index is not between 0 and the number of elements in the list minus 1 (inclusive)
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getItemCount

      public int getItemCount()
      Returns the number of items contained in the receiver.
      the number of items
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getItems

      public CoolItem[] getItems()
      Returns an array of CoolItems in the order in which they are currently being displayed.

      Note: This is not the actual structure used by the receiver to maintain its list of items, so modifying the array will not affect the receiver.

      the receiver's items in their current visual order
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(CoolItem item)
      Searches the receiver's items in the order they are currently being displayed, starting at the first item (index 0), until an item is found that is equal to the argument, and returns the index of that item. If no item is found, returns -1.
      item - the search item
      the visual order index of the search item, or -1 if the item is not found
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the item is null
      • ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the item is disposed
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getItemOrder

      public int[] getItemOrder()
      Returns an array of zero-relative ints that map the creation order of the receiver's items to the order in which they are currently being displayed.

      Specifically, the indices of the returned array represent the current visual order of the items, and the contents of the array represent the creation order of the items.

      Note: This is not the actual structure used by the receiver to maintain its list of items, so modifying the array will not affect the receiver.

      the current visual order of the receiver's items
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getItemSizes

      public Point[] getItemSizes()
      Returns an array of points whose x and y coordinates describe the widths and heights (respectively) of the items in the receiver in the order in which they are currently being displayed.
      the receiver's item sizes in their current visual order
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getLocked

      public boolean getLocked()
      Returns whether or not the receiver is 'locked'. When a coolbar is locked, its items cannot be repositioned.
      true if the coolbar is locked, false otherwise
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • getWrapIndices

      public int[] getWrapIndices()
      Returns an array of ints that describe the zero-relative indices of any item(s) in the receiver that will begin on a new row. The 0th visible item always begins the first row, therefore it does not count as a wrap index.
      an array containing the receiver's wrap indices, or an empty array if all items are in one row
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • setLocked

      public void setLocked(boolean locked)
      Sets whether or not the receiver is 'locked'. When a coolbar is locked, its items cannot be repositioned.
      locked - lock the coolbar if true, otherwise unlock the coolbar
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • setWrapIndices

      public void setWrapIndices(int[] indices)
      Sets the indices of all item(s) in the receiver that will begin on a new row. The indices are given in the order in which they are currently being displayed. The 0th item always begins the first row, therefore it does not count as a wrap index. If indices is null or empty, the items will be placed on one line.
      indices - an array of wrap indices, or null
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
    • setItemLayout

      public void setItemLayout(int[] itemOrder, int[] wrapIndices, Point[] sizes)
      Sets the receiver's item order, wrap indices, and item sizes all at once. This method is typically used to restore the displayed state of the receiver to a previously stored state.

      The item order is the order in which the items in the receiver should be displayed, given in terms of the zero-relative ordering of when the items were added.

      The wrap indices are the indices of all item(s) in the receiver that will begin on a new row. The indices are given in the order specified by the item order. The 0th item always begins the first row, therefore it does not count as a wrap index. If wrap indices is null or empty, the items will be placed on one line.

      The sizes are specified in an array of points whose x and y coordinates describe the new widths and heights (respectively) of the receiver's items in the order specified by the item order.

      itemOrder - an array of indices that describe the new order to display the items in
      wrapIndices - an array of wrap indices, or null
      sizes - an array containing the new sizes for each of the receiver's items in visual order
      SWTException -
      • ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
      • ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if item order or sizes is null
      • ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if item order or sizes is not the same length as the number of items
    • getAdapter

      public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> adapter)
      Description copied from class: Widget
      Implementation of the Adaptable interface.

      IMPORTANT: This method is not part of the RWT public API. It is marked public only so that it can be shared within the packages provided by RWT. It should never be accessed from application code.

      Specified by:
      getAdapter in interface Adaptable
      getAdapter in class Composite
      adapter - the lookup class
      an object that can be cast to the given class or null if there is no adapter associated with the given class.