Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and the
desired red, green and blue values expressed as ints in the range
0 to 255 (where 0 is black and 255 is full brightness).
Color(Device device,
int red,
int green,
int blue,
int alpha)
Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and the
desired red, green, blue & alpha values expressed as ints in the range
0 to 255 (where 0 is black and 255 is full brightness).
Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and an
describing the desired red, green and blue values.
Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and an
describing the desired red, green, blue & alpha values.
Constructs a new instance of this class given a device, an
describing the desired red, green and blue values,
alpha specifying the level of transparency.
Constructs a new cursor given a device and a style
constant describing the desired cursor appearance.
Constructs a new font given a device, a font name,
the height of the desired font in points, and a font
Constructs a new font given a device and font data
which describes the desired font's appearance.
Constructs a new font given a device and an array
of font data which describes the desired font's
Constructs an empty instance of this class with the
specified width and height.
Constructs a new instance of this class based on the
provided image, with an appearance that varies depending
on the value of the flag.
Constructs a new empty Path.
Constructs a new Path with the specified PathData.
Constructs a new identity Transform.
Constructs a new Transform given an array of elements that represent the matrix that describes
the transformation.
Transform(Device device,
float m11,
float m12,
float m21,
float m22,
float dx,
float dy)
Constructs a new Transform given all of the elements that represent the matrix that describes
the transformation.