Package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service

package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service
  • Class
    An application context represents a running instance of a RAP application.
    Events of this type signal a state change of an application context.
    A listener that can be attached to an ApplicationContext to receive a notification before the application context is destroyed.
    A setting store implementation that persists all settings on the file system using Java Properties files.
    A setting store factory that creates instances of FileSettingStore.
    A resource loader is used to load the contents of a named resource.
    The resource manager is used to register static resources like images, CSS files etc.
    A server push session is used to enable UI updates from a background thread for a certain period of time.
    A service handler can be used to process custom requests, e.g.
    The service manager is used to register service handlers with the framework.
    A setting store is a persistent store for user-specific settings (i.e.
    An event that contains the details of a single attribute change in the setting store.
    A setting store factory is responsible for creating and initializing a specific kind of setting store.
    Setting store listeners are notified when an attribute in the setting store has been changed (i.e.
    The UISession represents the current instance of the UI.
    Events of this type signal a state change of a UI session.
    A listener that can be attached to a UISession to receive a notification before the UI session is destroyed.
    A listener that is notified whenever a session enters the UI thread to process events and when it leaves the UI thread again.