Represents a JSON array, i.e.
Represents a JSON object, i.e.
Represents the JSON literal false
Represents the JSON literal true
Returns the value of the element at the specified position in this array.
Returns the value of the member with the specified name in this object.
Returns the value of this member.
Reads a JSON value from the given reader.
Reads a JSON value from the given string.
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given boolean
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given double
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given float
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given int
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given long
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given string.
Returns an iterator over the values of this array in document order.
Returns a list of the values in this array in document order.
Adds the specified JSON value to the array.
Adds a new member at the end of this object, with the specified name and the specified JSON
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the specified JSON value.
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the specified JSON value.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Color.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Color with an additional alpha (opacity) value.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Cursor.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Font.
Returns the JSON representation for the given FontData.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Image.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Point.
Returns the JSON representation for the given array Point.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Rectangle.
Returns the JSON representation for the given RGB.
Returns the JSON representation for the given RGB with an additional alpha (opacity) value.
Returns the JSON representation for the given Widget.
Returns the JSON representation for the given array of widgets.
Returns an instance of Point for the given JSON representation.
Returns an instance of Rectangle for the given JSON representation.
Returns an instance of RGB for the given JSON representation.
Sets the specified property of the remote object to the given value.