Window Menu

This menu allows you to display, hide, and otherwise manipulate the various views, perspectives, and actions in the Workbench.

New Window

This command opens a new Workbench window with the same perspective as the current perspective.

New Editor

This command opens an editor based on the currently active editor. It will have the same editor type and input as the original.

Open Perspective

This command opens a new perspective in this Workbench window. This preference can be changed on the command link General > Perspectives preference page. All of the perspectives that are open within the Workbench window are shown on the shortcut bar.

The perspectives you will likely want to open are listed first. This list is dependent on the current perspective. From the Other... submenu you can open any perspective.

Select Perspective dialog

Show View

This command displays the selected view in the current perspective. You can configure how views are opened on the command link General > Perspectives preference page. Views you are likely to want to open are listed first. This list is dependent on the current perspective. From the Other... submenu you can open any view. The views are sorted into categories in the Show View dialog.

Show View Dialog

Customize Perspective

Each perspective includes a predefined set of actions that are accessible from the menu bar and Workbench toolbar.

Customize Perspective Dialog

Save Perspective As

This command allows you to save the current perspective, creating your own custom perspective. You can open more perspectives of this type using the Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other menu item once you have saved a perspective.

Save Perspective As dialogx

Reset Perspective

This command changes the layout of the current perspective to its original configuration.

Close Perspective

This command closes the active perspective.

Close All Perspectives

This command closes all open perspectives in the Workbench window.


This submenu contains shortcut keys for navigating between the views, perspectives, and editors in the Workbench window.

Working Sets

This submenu contains entries to select or edit working sets.


This command allows you to indicate your preferences for using the Workbench. There are a wide variety of preferences for configuring the appearance of the Workbench and its views, and for customizing the behavior of all tools that are installed in the Workbench.