Workbench Window Layout

You can rearrange the layout of Workbench windows as follows:

Drop Cursors

Drop cursors indicate where a view will dock when you release your mouse button. This indication is relative to the view or editor area underneath the cursor.

Drop Cursors




Up arrow

Dock above

The view will appear above the view underneath the cursor.

Down arrow

Dock below

The view will appear below the view underneath the cursor.

Right arrow

Dock to the right

The view will appear to the right of the view underneath the cursor.

Left arrow

Dock to the left

The view will appear to the left of the view underneath the cursor.



The view will appear as a tab in the same pane as the view underneath the cursor.


Double-clicking a view or editor's title bar maximizes the part in the Workbench window.

Title bar context menu

From the context menu of a view or editor's title bar, you can select how you want the view to appear within the Workbench window.

View and editor title bar context menu options




Restores the view to its originating (non-maximized/non-minimized) size and position within the Workbench.

Restore Restores the view or editor to its originating (non-maximized/non-minimized) size and position within the Workbench.
Move Move the part or part group.
Size Change the size of the part in the direction specified.


Maximizes the part in the Workbench window.


Minimizes the part in the Workbench window.


Closes the part.

Close Others

(editors only)

Closes all editors except the current editor.

Close All

(editors only)

Closes all editors.

Here is what a view's context menu looks like:

View's context menu

Here is what an editor's context menu looks like:

Editor's context menu