Workbench Toolbar

The Workbench toolbar is displayed at the top of the Workbench window, directly underneath the menu bar. The contents of the toolbar change based on the active editor. Actions in the toolbar may apply to particular views, so these actions may be enabled or disabled based on the state of the currently active view or editor.

Here is an example of the toolbar in the Resource perspective:

Workbench toolbar

New Wizard

This command brings up a dialog where you can choose the type of resource to create.

Save the Open Editor Contents

This command saves the file currently displayed in the editor area.


This command opens a dialog which allows you to specify where you would like to print the contents of the file currently being displayed in the editor.

External Tools

This command presents a drop-down menu which allows you to run or configure external tools.


This command opens the search dialog, which allows you to search the workspace for specified text.


This tool group contains a variety of editor navigation commands.

Shortcut Bar
View Toolbars