Class ResourceTreeAndListGroup


public class ResourceTreeAndListGroup extends EventManager
Workbench-level composite that combines a CheckboxTreeViewer and CheckboxListViewer. All viewer selection-driven interactions are handled within this object
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceTreeAndListGroup

      public ResourceTreeAndListGroup(Composite parent, Object rootObject, ITreeContentProvider treeContentProvider, ILabelProvider treeLabelProvider, IStructuredContentProvider listContentProvider, ILabelProvider listLabelProvider, int style, boolean useHeightHint)
      Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to specify the width and/or height of the combined widget (to only hard-code one of the sizing dimensions, specify the other dimension's value as -1)
      parent - the parent composite
      rootObject - the root object to represent in the tree
      treeContentProvider - content provider for the tree part
      treeLabelProvider - label provider for the tree elements
      listContentProvider - content provider for the list part
      listLabelProvider - label provider for the list elements
      style - style for the composite
      useHeightHint - If true then use the height hint to make this group big enough
  • Method Details

    • aboutToOpen

      protected void aboutToOpen()
      This method must be called just before this window becomes visible.
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • addCheckStateListener

      public void addCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener listener)
      Add the passed listener to self's collection of clients that listen for changes to element checked states
      listener - ICheckStateListener
    • expandAll

      public void expandAll()
      Causes the tree viewer to expand all its items
    • collapseAll

      public void collapseAll()
      Causes the tree viewer to collapse all of its items
    • getAllCheckedListItems

      public void getAllCheckedListItems(IElementFilter filter, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException
      Returns a flat list of all of the leaf elements which are checked. Filter then based on the supplied ElementFilter. If monitor is cancelled then return null
      filter - - the filter for the data
      monitor - IProgressMonitor or null
      InterruptedException - If the find is interrupted.
    • isEveryItemChecked

      public boolean isEveryItemChecked()
      Returns whether all items in the list are checked. This method is required, because this widget will keep items grey checked even though all children are selected (see grayUpdateHierarchy()).
      true if all items in the list are checked - false if not
    • getAllCheckedListItems

      public List<?> getAllCheckedListItems()
      Returns a flat list of all of the leaf elements which are checked.
      all of the leaf elements which are checked. This API does not return null in order to keep backwards compatibility.
    • getAllListItems

      public List<?> getAllListItems()
      Returns a flat list of all of the leaf elements.
      all of the leaf elements.
    • getAllWhiteCheckedItems

      public List<?> getAllWhiteCheckedItems()
      Returns a list of all of the items that are white checked. Any folders that are white checked are added and then any files from white checked folders are added.
      the list of all of the items that are white checked
    • getCheckedElementCount

      public int getCheckedElementCount()
      Returns the number of items that are checked in the tree viewer.
      The number of items that are checked
    • initialCheckListItem

      public void initialCheckListItem(Object element)
      Set the initial checked state of the passed list element to true.
      element - the element to set
    • initialCheckTreeItem

      public void initialCheckTreeItem(Object element)
      Set the initial checked state of the passed element to true, as well as to all of its children and associated list elements
      element - the element to set
    • removeCheckStateListener

      public void removeCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener listener)
      Remove the passed listener from self's collection of clients that listen for changes to element checked states
      listener - ICheckStateListener
    • setAllSelections

      public void setAllSelections(boolean selection)
      Select or de-select all of the elements in the tree depending on the value of the selection boolean. Be sure to update the displayed files as well.
      selection - the new selection state
    • setListProviders

      public void setListProviders(IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider, ILabelProvider labelProvider)
      Set the list viewer's providers to those passed
      contentProvider - ITreeContentProvider
      labelProvider - ILabelProvider
    • setListComparator

      public void setListComparator(ViewerComparator comparator)
      Set the comparator that is to be applied to self's list viewer
      comparator - the sorter for the list
    • setRoot

      public void setRoot(Object newRoot)
      Set the root of the widget to be new Root. Regenerate all of the tables and lists from this value.
      newRoot - the new root object
    • setTreeProviders

      public void setTreeProviders(ITreeContentProvider contentProvider, ILabelProvider labelProvider)
      Set the tree viewer's providers to those passed
      contentProvider - ITreeContentProvider
      labelProvider - ILabelProvider
    • setTreeComparator

      public void setTreeComparator(ViewerComparator comparator)
      Set the comparator that is to be applied to self's tree viewer
      comparator - the comparator for the tree
    • updateSelections

      public void updateSelections(Map items)
      Update the selections of the tree elements in items to reflect the new selections provided.
      items - Map with keys of Object (the tree element) and values of List (the selected list elements). NOTE: This method does not special case keys with no values (i.e., a tree element with an empty list). If a tree element does not have any selected items, do not include the element in the Map.
    • setFocus

      public void setFocus()
      Set the focus on to the list widget.