Class AbstractHyperlink

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Hyperlink, ToggleHyperlink

public abstract class AbstractHyperlink extends Canvas
This is the base class for custom hyperlink widget. It is responsible for processing mouse and keyboard events, and converting them into unified hyperlink events. Subclasses are responsible for rendering the hyperlink in the client area.
  • Field Details

    • marginWidth

      protected int marginWidth
      Amount of the margin width around the hyperlink (default is 1).
    • marginHeight

      protected int marginHeight
      Amount of the margin height around the hyperlink (default is 1).
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHyperlink

      public AbstractHyperlink(Composite parent, int style)
      Creates a new hyperlink in the provided parent.
      parent - the control parent
      style - the widget style
  • Method Details

    • addHyperlinkListener

      public void addHyperlinkListener(IHyperlinkListener listener)
      Adds the event listener to this hyperlink.
      listener - the event listener to add
    • removeHyperlinkListener

      public void removeHyperlinkListener(IHyperlinkListener listener)
      Removes the event listener from this hyperlink.
      listener - the event listener to remove
    • getSelection

      public boolean getSelection()
      Returns the selection state of the control. When focus is gained, the state will be true ; it will switch to false when the control looses focus.
      true if the widget has focus, false otherwise.
    • handleEnter

      protected void handleEnter(Event e)
      Called when hyperlink is entered. Subclasses that override this method must call 'super'.
    • handleExit

      protected void handleExit(Event e)
      Called when hyperlink is exited. Subclasses that override this method must call 'super'.
    • handleActivate

      protected void handleActivate(Event e)
      Called when hyperlink has been activated. Subclasses that override this method must call 'super'.
    • setHref

      public void setHref(Object href)
      Sets the object associated with this hyperlink. Concrete implementation of this class can use if to store text, URLs or model objects that need to be processed on hyperlink events.
      href - the hyperlink object reference
    • getHref

      public Object getHref()
      Returns the object associated with this hyperlink.
      the hyperlink object reference
      See Also:
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Returns the textual representation of this hyperlink suitable for showing in tool tips or on the status line.
      the hyperlink text
    • paintHyperlink

      protected abstract void paintHyperlink(GC gc)
      Paints the hyperlink as a reaction to the provided paint event.
      gc - graphic context
    • paint

      protected void paint(PaintEvent e)
      Paints the control as a reaction to the provided paint event.
      e - the paint event
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Description copied from class: Control
      Enables the receiver if the argument is true, and disables it otherwise. A disabled control is typically not selectable from the user interface and draws with an inactive or "grayed" look.
      setEnabled in class Control
      enabled - the new enabled state