Interface ITeamStateChangeListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ITeamStateChangeListener extends EventListener
A listener registered with an TeamStateProvider in order to receive change events when the team state of any resources change. It is the responsibility of clients to determine if a label update is required based on the changed resources.

Change events may not be issued if a local change has resulted in a synchronization state change. It is up to clients to check whether a label update is required for a model element when local resources change by using the resource delta mechanism.

Clients may implement this interface

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notification that the team state of resources has changed.
  • Method Details

    • teamStateChanged

      void teamStateChanged(ITeamStateChangeEvent event)
      Notification that the team state of resources has changed.
      event - the event that describes which resources have changed