Class MoveRenameResourceChange

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MoveRenameResourceChange extends ResourceChange
Change that moves and renames a resource.
  • Constructor Details

    • MoveRenameResourceChange

      public MoveRenameResourceChange(IResource source, IContainer target, String newName)
      Creates the change.
      source - the resource to move
      target - the container the resource is moved to. An existing resource at the destination will be replaced.
      newName - new name of resource
    • MoveRenameResourceChange

      protected MoveRenameResourceChange(IResource source, IContainer target, String newName, long stampToRestore, Change restoreSourceChange)
      Creates the change.
      source - the resource to move
      target - the container the resource is moved to. An existing resource at the destination will be replaced.
      newName - the new name of the resource in the the target container
      stampToRestore - the stamp to restore on the moved resource
      restoreSourceChange - the change to restore a resource at the source or null if no resource needs to be resourced.
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public ChangeDescriptor getDescriptor()
      Description copied from class: Change
      Returns a descriptor of this change.

      Subclasses of changes created by Refactoring.createChange(IProgressMonitor) should override this method to return a RefactoringChangeDescriptor. A change tree created by a particular refactoring is supposed to contain at most one change which returns a refactoring descriptor. Refactorings usually return an instance of CompositeChange in their Refactoring.createChange(IProgressMonitor) method which implements this method. The refactoring framework searches the change tree top-down until a refactoring descriptor is found.

      getDescriptor in class Change
      a descriptor of this change, or null if this change does not provide a change descriptor.
    • setDescriptor

      public void setDescriptor(ChangeDescriptor descriptor)
      Sets the change descriptor to be returned by Change.getDescriptor().
      descriptor - the change descriptor
    • perform

      public final Change perform(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException
      Description copied from class: Change
      Performs this change. If this method is called on an invalid or disabled change object the result is unspecified. Changes should in general not respond to IProgressMonitor.isCanceled() since canceling a change tree in the middle of its execution leaves the workspace in a half changed state.
      Specified by:
      perform in class Change
      monitor - a progress monitor
      the undo change for this change object or null if no undo is provided
      CoreException - if an error occurred during change execution
    • getModifiedResource

      protected IResource getModifiedResource()
      Description copied from class: ResourceChange
      Returns the resource of this change.
      Specified by:
      getModifiedResource in class ResourceChange
      the resource of this change
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: Change
      Returns the human readable name of this change. The name MUST not be null.
      Specified by:
      getName in class Change
      the human readable name of this change