Class RefactoringStatus


public class RefactoringStatus extends Object
A RefactoringStatus object represents the outcome of a condition checking operation. It manages a list of RefactoringStatusEntry objects. Each RefactoringStatusEntry object describes one particular problem detected during condition checking.

Additionally a problem severity is managed. Severities are ordered as follows: OK < INFO < WARNING < ERROR < FATAL. The status's problem severity is the maximum of the severities of all entries. If the status doesn't have any entry the status's severity is OK.

Note: this class is not intended to be extended by clients.

See Also:
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Field Details

    • OK

      public static final int OK
      Status severity constant (value 0) indicating this status represents the nominal case.
      See Also:
    • INFO

      public static final int INFO
      Status severity constant (value 1) indicating this status is informational only.
      See Also:

      public static final int WARNING
      Status severity constant (value 2) indicating this status represents a warning.

      Use this severity if the refactoring can be performed, but you assume that the user could not be aware of problems or confusions resulting from the execution.

      See Also:
    • ERROR

      public static final int ERROR
      Status severity constant (value 3) indicating this status represents an error.

      Use this severity if the refactoring can be performed, but the refactoring will not be behavior preserving and/or the partial execution will lead to an inconsistent state (e.g. compile errors).

      See Also:
    • FATAL

      public static final int FATAL
      Status severity constant (value 4) indicating this status represents a fatal error.

      Use this severity if the refactoring cannot be performed, and execution would lead to major problems. Note that this completely blocks the user from performing this refactoring. It is often preferable to use an ERROR status and allow a partial execution (e.g. if just one reference to a refactored element cannot be updated).

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RefactoringStatus

      public RefactoringStatus()
      Creates a new refactoring status with an empty list of status entries and a severity of OK.
  • Method Details

    • getSeverity

      public int getSeverity()
      Returns the severity.
      the severity.
    • getEntries

      public RefactoringStatusEntry[] getEntries()
      Returns the list of refactoring status entries.
      the list of refactoring status entries. Returns an empty array if no entries are managed.
    • getEntries

      Returns a list of refactoring status entries which are considered equal to the specified status entry.
      comparator - the comparator to determine whether two status entries are considered equal
      entry - the refactoring status entry to compare the entries of this status with
      the list of refactoring status entries that are considered equal to the specified one, in no particular order. Returns an empty array if no entries are managed or none of them matches.
    • hasEntries

      public boolean hasEntries()
      Returns whether the status has entries or not.
      true if the status as any entries; otherwise false is returned.
    • getEntryAt

      public RefactoringStatusEntry getEntryAt(int index)
      Returns the RefactoringStatusEntry at the specified index.
      index - the index of the entry to return
      the entry at the specified index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
    • getEntryMatchingCode

      public RefactoringStatusEntry getEntryMatchingCode(String pluginId, int code)
      Returns the first entry managed by this refactoring status that matches the given plug-in identifier and code. If more than one entry exists that matches the criteria the first one in the list of entries is returned. Returns null if no entry matches.
      pluginId - the entry's plug-in identifier
      code - the entry's code
      the entry that matches the given plug-in identifier and code; null otherwise
    • getEntryMatchingSeverity

      public RefactoringStatusEntry getEntryMatchingSeverity(int severity)
      Returns the first entry which severity is equal or greater than the given severity. If more than one entry exists that matches the criteria the first one is returned. Returns null if no entry matches.
      severity - the severity to search for. Must be one of FATAL , ERROR, WARNING or INFO
      the entry that matches the search criteria
    • getEntryWithHighestSeverity

      public RefactoringStatusEntry getEntryWithHighestSeverity()
      Returns the entry with the highest severity. If there is more than one entry that matches the first one found in the list of entries is returned.
      the entry with the highest severity or null if no entries are present
    • getMessageMatchingSeverity

      public String getMessageMatchingSeverity(int severity)
      Returns the first message which severity is equal or greater than the given severity. If more than one entry exists that matches the criteria the first one is returned. Returns null if no entry matches.
      severity - the severity to search for. Must be one of FATAL , ERROR, WARNING or INFO
      the message of the entry that matches the search criteria
    • createStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createStatus(int severity, String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context, String pluginId, int code, Object data)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one entry filled with the given arguments.
      severity - the severity
      msg - the message
      context - the context. Can be null
      pluginId - the plug-in identifier. Can be null if argument code equals NO_CODE
      code - the problem code. Must be either NO_CODE or a positive integer
      data - application specific data
      the newly created refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createInfoStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createInfoStatus(String msg)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one INFO entry filled with the given message.
      msg - the message of the info entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createInfoStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createInfoStatus(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one INFO entry filled with the given message and context.
      msg - the message of the info entry
      context - the context of the info entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createWarningStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createWarningStatus(String msg)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one WARNING entry filled with the given message.
      msg - the message of the warning entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createWarningStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createWarningStatus(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Creates a RefactoringStatus with one WARNING entry fill with the given message and context.
      msg - the message of the warning entry
      context - the context of the warning entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createErrorStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createErrorStatus(String msg)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one ERROR entry filled with the given message.
      msg - the message of the error entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createErrorStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createErrorStatus(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Creates a RefactoringStatus with one ERROR entry fill with the given message and context.
      msg - the message of the error entry
      context - the context of the error entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createFatalErrorStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createFatalErrorStatus(String msg)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus with one FATAL entry filled with the given message.
      msg - the message of the fatal entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • createFatalErrorStatus

      public static RefactoringStatus createFatalErrorStatus(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Creates a RefactoringStatus with one FATAL entry fill with the given message and context.
      msg - the message of the fatal entry
      context - the context of the fatal entry
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • create

      public static RefactoringStatus create(IStatus status)
      Creates a new RefactoringStatus from the given IStatus. An OK status is mapped to an OK refactoring status, an information status is mapped to a warning refactoring status, a warning status is mapped to an error refactoring status and an error or cancel status is mapped to a fatal refactoring status. An unknown status is converted into a fatal error status as well. If the status is a MultiStatus then the first level of children of the status will be added as refactoring status entries to the created refactoring status.
      status - the status to create a refactoring status from
      the refactoring status
      See Also:
    • merge

      public void merge(RefactoringStatus other)
      Merges the receiver and the parameter statuses. The resulting list of entries in the receiver will contain entries from both. The resulting severity in the receiver will be the more severe of its current severity and the parameter's severity. Merging with null is allowed - it has no effect.
      other - the refactoring status to merge with
    • addInfo

      public void addInfo(String msg)
      Adds an INFO entry filled with the given message to this status. If the current severity is OK it will be changed to INFO . It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the info entry
      See Also:
    • addInfo

      public void addInfo(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Adds an INFO entry filled with the given message and context to this status. If the current severity is OK it will be changed to INFO. It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the info entry
      context - the context of the info entry
      See Also:
    • addWarning

      public void addWarning(String msg)
      Adds a WARNING entry filled with the given message to this status. If the current severity is OK or INFO it will be changed to WARNING. It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the warning entry
      See Also:
    • addWarning

      public void addWarning(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Adds a WARNING entry filled with the given message and context to this status. If the current severity is OK or INFO it will be changed to WARNING. It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the warning entry
      context - the context of the warning entry
      See Also:
    • addError

      public void addError(String msg)
      Adds an ERROR entry filled with the given message to this status. If the current severity is OK, INFO or WARNING it will be changed to ERROR. It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the error entry
      See Also:
    • addError

      public void addError(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Adds an ERROR entry filled with the given message and context to this status. If the current severity is OK, INFO or WARNING it will be changed to ERROR. It will remain unchanged otherwise.
      msg - the message of the error entry
      context - the context of the error entry
      See Also:
    • addFatalError

      public void addFatalError(String msg)
      Adds a FATAL entry filled with the given message to this status. The severity of this status will changed to FATAL.
      msg - the message of the fatal entry
      See Also:
    • addFatalError

      public void addFatalError(String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context)
      Adds a FATAL entry filled with the given message and status to this status. The severity of this status will changed to FATAL.
      msg - the message of the fatal entry
      context - the context of the fatal entry
      See Also:
    • addEntry

      public void addEntry(int severity, String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context, String pluginId, int code)
      Adds a new entry filled with the given arguments to this status. The severity of this status is set to the maximum of fSeverity and severity.
      severity - the severity of the entry
      msg - the message of the entry
      context - the context of the entry. Can be null
      pluginId - the plug-in identifier of the entry. Can be null if argument code equals NO_CODE
      code - the problem code of the entry. Must be either NO_CODE or a positive integer
    • addEntry

      public void addEntry(int severity, String msg, RefactoringStatusContext context, String pluginId, int code, Object data)
      Adds a new entry filled with the given arguments to this status. The severity of this status is set to the maximum of fSeverity and severity.
      severity - the severity of the entry
      msg - the message of the entry
      context - the context of the entry. Can be null
      pluginId - the plug-in identifier of the entry. Can be null if argument code equals NO_CODE
      code - the problem code of the entry. Must be either NO_CODE or a positive integer
      data - application specific data of the entry
    • addEntry

      public void addEntry(RefactoringStatusEntry entry)
      Adds the given RefactoringStatusEntry. The severity of this status is set to the maximum of fSeverity and the severity of the entry.
      entry - the RefactoringStatusEntry to be added
    • isOK

      public boolean isOK()
      Returns whether the status's severity is OK or not.
      true if the severity is OK; otherwise false is returned
    • hasFatalError

      public boolean hasFatalError()
      Returns true if the current severity is FATAL.
      true if the current severity is FATAL; otherwise false is returned
    • hasError

      public boolean hasError()
      Returns true if the current severity is FATAL or ERROR.
      true if the current severity is FATAL or ERROR; otherwise false is returned
    • hasWarning

      public boolean hasWarning()
      Returns true if the current severity is FATAL, ERROR or WARNING.
      true if the current severity is FATAL, ERROR or WARNING; otherwise false is returned
    • hasInfo

      public boolean hasInfo()
      Returns true if the current severity is FATAL, ERROR, WARNING or INFO.
      true if the current severity is FATAL, ERROR, WARNING or INFO; otherwise false is returned
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object