Interface IDelayedLabelDecorator

All Superinterfaces:
IBaseLabelProvider, ILabelDecorator
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IDelayedLabelDecorator extends ILabelDecorator
A delayed label decorator is a label decorator that may not have a decoration available immediately. This interface defines the methods for requesting the preparation of a decorator for an object and for querying if the decorator is ready. Interested parties should register an ILabelProviderListener with a delayed label decorator in order to be informed when the decoration is ready.
  • Method Details

    • prepareDecoration

      boolean prepareDecoration(Object element, String originalText)
      Prepare the element for decoration. If it is already decorated and ready for update return true. If decoration is pending return false.
      element - The element to be decorated
      originalText - The starting text.
      boolean true if the decoration is ready for this element