Package org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection
package org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection
This package provides the UI part for projection documents of which the most important part is the projection viewer. A projection viewer is a text viewer that allows to expand and collapse folded regions defined by a projection document. This package also introduces a projection annotation model, projection annotations. The projection viewer offers support to show a summary for a folded region.
Package Specification
is a specialized SourceViewer
that can display line-based folding based on a ProjectionDocument
. To
do this it uses supporting classes like IProjectionListener
, IProjectionPosition
, ProjectionAnnotation
and others.
ClassDescriptionA bag of annotations.Implementers registered with a
get informed when the projection mode of the viewer gets enabled and when it gets disabled.AnIProjectionPosition
is a position that is associated with aProjectionAnnotation
and that is able to compute its collapsed regions.Annotation used to represent the projection of a master document onto aProjectionDocument
.A projection annotation model.Supports the configuration of projection capabilities aProjectionViewer
.A projection source viewer is a source viewer which supports multiple visible regions which can dynamically be changed.