Interface IMetadataRepositoryManager

All Superinterfaces:
IQueryable<IInstallableUnit>, IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>

public interface IMetadataRepositoryManager extends IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>
A metadata repository manager is used to create, access, and manipulate IMetadataRepository instances. See IRepositoryManager for a general description of the characteristics of repository managers.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Field Details


      static final String SERVICE_NAME
      The name used for obtaining a reference to the metadata repository manager service

      static final String TYPE_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY
      Repository type for a simple repository based on a URL or local file system location.
      See Also:

      static final String TYPE_COMPOSITE_REPOSITORY
      Repository type for a composite repository based on a URL or local file system location.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createRepository

      IMetadataRepository createRepository(URI location, String name, String type, Map<String,String> properties) throws ProvisionException, OperationCanceledException
      Creates and returns a new empty metadata repository of the given type at the given location.

      The resulting repository is added to the list of repositories tracked by the repository manager. Clients must make a subsequent call to IRepositoryManager.removeRepository(URI) if they do not want the repository manager to remember the repository for subsequent load attempts.

      Specified by:
      createRepository in interface IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>
      location - the absolute location for the new repository
      name - the name of the new repository
      type - the kind of repository to create
      properties - the properties to set on the repository
      the newly created repository
      ProvisionException - if the repository could not be created. Reasons include:
      • The repository type is unknown.
      • There was an error writing to the given repository location.
      • A repository already exists at that location.
      OperationCanceledException - if this operation has been canceled
    • loadRepository

      Loads the repository at the given location. If a repository has previously been loaded at that location, the same cached repository may be returned.

      The resulting repository is added to the list of repositories tracked by the repository manager. Clients must make a subsequent call to IRepositoryManager.removeRepository(URI) if they do not want the repository manager to remember the repository for subsequent load attempts.

      Specified by:
      loadRepository in interface IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>
      location - the absolute location of the repository to load
      monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      the loaded metadata repository
      OperationCanceledException - if this operation has been canceled
      ProvisionException - if the repository could not be created. Reasons include:
      • There is no existing repository at that location.
      • The repository at that location could not be read.
    • loadRepository

      IMetadataRepository loadRepository(URI location, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException, OperationCanceledException
      Loads the repository at the given location. If a repository has previously been loaded at that location, the same cached repository may be returned.

      The resulting repository is added to the list of repositories tracked by the repository manager. Clients must make a subsequent call to IRepositoryManager.removeRepository(URI) if they do not want the repository manager to remember the repository for subsequent load attempts.

      The flags passed in should be taken as a hint for the type of repository to load. If the manager cannot load a repository that satisfies these hints, it can fail fast.

      Specified by:
      loadRepository in interface IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>
      location - the absolute location of the repository to load
      flags - bit-wise or of flags to consider when loading the repository (currently only IRepositoryManager.REPOSITORY_HINT_MODIFIABLE is supported)
      monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      the loaded metadata repository
      OperationCanceledException - if this operation has been canceled
      ProvisionException - if the repository could not be created. Reasons include:
      • There is no existing repository at that location.
      • The repository at that location could not be read.
      See Also:
    • refreshRepository

      Refreshes the repository corresponding to the given URL. This method discards any cached state held by the repository manager and reloads the repository contents. The provided repository location must already be known to the repository manager.
      Specified by:
      refreshRepository in interface IRepositoryManager<IInstallableUnit>
      location - The absolute location of the repository to refresh
      monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      The refreshed metadata repository
      OperationCanceledException - if this operation has been canceled
      ProvisionException - if the repository could not be refreshed. Reasons include:
      • The location is not known to the repository manager.
      • There is no existing repository at that location.
      • The repository at that location could not be read.