Interface ICompositeRepository<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of repository content. Typically this is either IInstallableUnit or IArtifactKey.
All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IQueryable<T>, IRepository<T>

public interface ICompositeRepository<T> extends IRepository<T>
A composite repository doesn't directly contain any contents, but rather contains only a list of child repositories. The composite repository aggregates content from the children and acts as a single repository containing the union of all child contents. When a composite repository is queried programmatically, it will appear to contain all elements that currently exist in one or more of its children.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • addChild

      void addChild(URI child)
      Adds a specified URI to list of child repositories. Does nothing if URI is a duplicate of an existing child repository.
      child - The child to add.
    • getChildren

      List<URI> getChildren()
      Returns a list of URIs containing the locations of the children repositories
      a list of URIs containing the locations of the children repositories
    • removeAllChildren

      void removeAllChildren()
      Removes all child repositories
    • removeChild

      void removeChild(URI child)
      Removes the specified URI from the list of child repositories. This method has no effect if the specified URI is not a child repository
      child - The child to remove