Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory
Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard
workbench extension points.
Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications.
Provides classes and interfaces to render memory blocks in the memory view.
Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory used by org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.memory.renderingsClassDescriptionAbstract implementation of a memory rendering.An arbitrary rendering of a memory block.A memory rendering that can be repositioned.
Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory used by org.eclipse.debug.ui
Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory used by org.eclipse.debug.ui.actionsClassDescriptionRepresents a type of memory rendering contributed via the
extension point. -
Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory used by org.eclipse.debug.ui.memoryClassDescriptionAbstract implementation of a memory rendering.Abstract implementation of a table rendering.Allows debug models to customize the rendering of addresses for its memory blocks in table and text based renderings provided by the debug platform.An arbitrary rendering of a memory block.A rendering bindings listener is notified of changes in the renderings provided by a rendering bindings provider.A rendering bindings provider provides rendering type bindings for a memory block.A memory rendering container is a container within a memory rendering site for hosting a memory renderings.A workbench site that hosts memory renderings and provides synchronization services for memory renderings.Provides facilities related to the synchronization of memory renderings.Represents a type of memory rendering contributed via the
extension point.A memory rendering that can be repositioned.A memory rendering that can be reset.