Class ImportBreakpointsOperation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImportBreakpointsOperation extends Object implements IRunnableWithProgress
Imports breakpoints from a file or string buffer into the workspace.

This class may be instantiated.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImportBreakpointsOperation

      public ImportBreakpointsOperation(String fileName, boolean overwrite, boolean createWorkingSets)
      Constructs an operation to import breakpoints.
      fileName - the file to read breakpoints from - the file should have been created from an export operation
      overwrite - whether imported breakpoints will overwrite existing equivalent breakpoints
      createWorkingSets - whether breakpoint working sets should be created. Breakpoints are exported with information about the breakpoint working sets they belong to. Those working sets can be optionally re-created on import if they do not already exist in the workspace.
    • ImportBreakpointsOperation

      public ImportBreakpointsOperation(String fileName, boolean overwrite, boolean createWorkingSets, boolean importBreakpoints)
      Constructs an operation to import breakpoints.
      fileName - the file to read breakpoints from - the file should have been created from an export operation
      overwrite - whether imported breakpoints will overwrite existing equivalent breakpoints
      createWorkingSets - whether breakpoint working sets should be created. Breakpoints are exported with information about the breakpoint working sets they belong to. Those working sets can be optionally re-created on import if they do not already exist in the workspace.
      importBreakpoints - whether breakpoints should be imported and registered
    • ImportBreakpointsOperation

      public ImportBreakpointsOperation(StringBuffer buffer, boolean overwrite, boolean createWorkingSets)
      Constructs an operation to import breakpoints from a string buffer. The buffer must contain a memento created an ExportBreakpointsOperation.
      buffer - the string buffer to read breakpoints from - the file should have been created from an export operation
      overwrite - whether imported breakpoints will overwrite existing equivalent breakpoints
      createWorkingSets - whether breakpoint working sets should be created. Breakpoints are exported with information about the breakpoint working sets they belong to. Those working sets can be optionally re-created on import if they do not already exist in the workspace.
    • ImportBreakpointsOperation

      public ImportBreakpointsOperation(StringBuffer buffer, boolean overwrite, boolean createWorkingSets, boolean importBreakpoints)
      Constructs an operation to import breakpoints from a string buffer. The buffer must contain a memento created an ExportBreakpointsOperation.
      buffer - the string buffer to read breakpoints from - the file should have been created from an export operation
      overwrite - whether imported breakpoints will overwrite existing equivalent breakpoints
      createWorkingSets - whether breakpoint working sets should be created. Breakpoints are exported with information about the breakpoint working sets they belong to. Those working sets can be optionally re-created on import if they do not already exist in the workspace.
      importBreakpoints - whether breakpoints should be imported and registered
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException
      Description copied from interface: IRunnableWithProgress
      Runs this operation. Progress should be reported to the given progress monitor. This method is usually invoked by an IRunnableContext's run method, which supplies the progress monitor. A request to cancel the operation should be honored and acknowledged by throwing InterruptedException.
      Specified by:
      run in interface IRunnableWithProgress
      monitor - the progress monitor to use to display progress and receive requests for cancelation
      InvocationTargetException - if the run method must propagate a checked exception, it should wrap it inside an InvocationTargetException; runtime exceptions are automatically wrapped in an InvocationTargetException by the calling context
      See Also:
    • findExistingMarker

      protected IMarker findExistingMarker(Map<String,Object> attributes, IBreakpointImportParticipant[] participants)
      Returns a marker backing an existing breakpoint based on the given set of breakpoint attributes
      attributes - the map of attributes to compare for marker equality
      participants - the list of participants to ask if a breakpoint matches the given map of attributes
      the marker for an existing breakpoint or null if one could not be located
    • collectBreakpointProperties

      protected Map<String,Object> collectBreakpointProperties(IMemento memento)
      Collects all of the properties for a breakpoint from the memento describing it. The values in the map will be one of:
      memento - the memento to read breakpoint attributes from
      a new map of all of the breakpoint attributes from the given memento.
    • restoreBreakpoint

      protected void restoreBreakpoint(IMarker marker, Map<String,Object> attributes, IBreakpointImportParticipant[] participants)
      restores all of the attributes back into the given marker, recreates the breakpoint in the breakpoint manager, and optionally recreates any working set(s) the breakpoint belongs to.
      marker - the marker to create the new breakpoint on
      attributes - the attributes to set in the new breakpoint
      participants - the list of participants used to verify the restored breakpoint
    • getImportedBreakpoints

      public IBreakpoint[] getImportedBreakpoints()
      Returns the breakpoints that were imported by this operation, possibly an empty list.
      breakpoints imported by this operation