Interface IAddMemoryRenderingsTarget

public interface IAddMemoryRenderingsTarget
Adapter for the platform's retargettable "add memory rendering" action. Clients implementing this adapter are expected to add the necessary memory blocks and renderings when the adapter is invoked.

Typically, to add a memory rendering, client needs to do the following:

  1. Create a new memory block
  2. Add the new memory block to the Memory Block Manager. (IMemoryBlockManager)
  3. Create the new rendering from IMemoryRenderingTypeDelegate
  4. Bring the required memory view to the top. (IMemoryRenderingSite)
  5. Find the container from the memory view to host the new memory rendering. (IMemoryRenderingContainer)
  6. Initialize the new rendering with the appropriate memory block and container.
  7. Add the new rendering to the container.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • canAddMemoryRenderings

      boolean canAddMemoryRenderings(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
      Returns whether a memory rendering can be added from the specified part, based on the the given selection, which is the active debug context in the current workbench window.
      part - the part on which the action has been invoked
      selection - the active debug context in the active workbench window
      true if a memory rendering can be added from the specified part with the given selection, false otherwise
    • addMemoryRenderings

      void addMemoryRenderings(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection, IMemoryRenderingType[] renderingTypes) throws CoreException
      Adds memory renderings. Based on the part and selection (active debug context), this adapter does the following:
      1. creates and adds the required memory block to the memory block manager
      2. creates the specified renderings and add the them to the appropriate memory rendering containers
      part - the part on which the action has been invoked
      selection - the active debug context
      renderingTypes - renderings to add
      CoreException - if unable to perform the action
      See Also:
    • getMemoryRenderingTypes

      IMemoryRenderingType[] getMemoryRenderingTypes(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
      Returns a list of rendering types that can be added from the given workbench part and active debug context, possibly empty.
      part - the part on which the action has been invoked
      selection - the active debug context
      a list of rendering types that can be added, possibly empty